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Startup Defender 2.2 a fost chilipirul zilei în 22 octombrie 2010
Startup Defender este un program minimalist localizat în bara de unelte a sistemului Windows și care monitorizează în timp real locațiile de start up ale PC-ului dvs. pentru a împiedica programele să pornească automat fără voia dvs.
Dacă un program încearcă să pornească automat, Startup Defender va deschide o fereastră întrebându-vă dacă acelui program îi este permis să pornească automat cu Windows-ul. Deasemenea, puteţi seta programele care să ruleze automat sau nu la pornirea computerului. Dacă este un program de care nu sunteţi sigur, îl puteţi căuta pe Google pentru a vedea dacă este necesar sau poate chiar periculos şi astfel puteţi alege dacă doriţi să-l rulaţi la pornirea computerului sau nu.
Trăsături cheie:
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
1.25 MB
Cleanse Uninstaller Pro este un program avansat conceput pentru dezinstalarea programelor care găseşte şi înlătură chiar şi cele mai încăpăţânate programe software. Dezinstalează rapid, uşor şi fără probleme! Utilizând funcţia Auto Find a programului, tot ce trebuie să faceţi este să trageţi iconiţa programului dorit pentru dezinstalare în fereastra Cleanse Uninstallers şi Cleanse Uninstaller Pro va găsi automat programul în lista de programe selectate pentru dezinstalare şi va porni procesul avansat de dezinstalare. Go Go Stop GoGoStop este un instrument compact de administrare a sarcinilor programate conceput pentru a rula programele neasistate. GoGoStop vă permite să administraţi sarcinile frecvente şi să le porniţi automat în fundal. Opţiunile de programare flexibile vă oferă posibilitatea să specificaţi exact momentul în care doriţi să pornească o sarcină şi ziua, săptămănă şi luna exactă când doriţi ca aceasta să se oprească.
Easy Start Menu Organizer este un instrument pentru aranjarea şi ştergerea cu uşurinţă a programelor care apar in meniul de start. Programul facilitează sortarea aplicaţiilor în grupuri ţintă. Deasemenea, programul permite copierea şi ştergerea iconiţelor aplicaţiilor din meniul de start. Aranjează meniul de start în ordine alfabetică şi grupează directoarele. Toate acestea vă economisesc timpul şi vă ajută să vă păstraţi afacerea în ordine!
Hariks. It seems pretty logical that it puts itself in the startup programs. Hows it supposed to monitor what's going into the startup menu if it's not running straight away itself?
Mike Lin's StartupMonitor and Startup Control Panel does the same (except optimizer), very tiny and for free, even on 64bit/Win7. I've used them for years, they just works even if they are oldish.
I've tried (and purchased) many programs that make promises to help tidy (and speed) up my boot process. After a while they all look the same, they all do pretty much the same job. It's not very exciting, and it is a fairly geeky process that some users just find unfriendly and intimidating.
Then I read about Soluto (Beta) which really gives me some hope for software that is designed to work the way users think. They even refer to it as "anti frustration software".
It really is worth trying out. This software makes Windows Startup sexy. http://www.soluto.com/
Soluto brings happiness to: Windows XP/Vista/7 (32bit & 64bit)
There are many free and paid alternative for this kind of product. They include Tea Timer (bundled with the free Spybot Search and Destroy anti-spyware program), Anvir Task Manager's startup monitor function, Startup Defender, etc... The problem is therefore not to find a tool to protect your startup, but to find the right one.
Autoruns by Sysinternals is probably the only tool that can list ALL apps, DLLs, DirectX filters, Services etc... that are installed on your system and can start without your explicit consent, but it has no function to monitor the changes in real time. So, it's an excellent tool to diagnose a problem, but not to protect you.
Unfortunately, as far as I know, all Startup monitors currently available monitor only some specific "regions" of your computer, such as the Startup folder of the Start menu, the Run and RunOnce keys of the registry, and sometimes the services. That's not sufficient at all to protect you efficiently (but that can help you remove most useless applications to shorten your boot time).
I don't know if today's offer is better or worse than the other products, but I'm sure it doesn't monitor everything. Also, Soluto (recommended by BuBBy in post #7) might be a better choice, as it has apparently some powerful tools to determine which app slows down your startup, it can delay them to start later, when the other apps have finished loading, and the community can comment on the usefulness of each app. However, take in mind that NONE of these tools are real anti-malware programs. You can use them to remove startup items if you think they are useless, dangerous, intrusive or too resource hungry, but none of them can tell you exactly if an application is a malware or not. For example, the Google Updater (installed with most Goggle products, including Google Chrome) might be considered as a malware (for privacy reasons) or as an important thing (because it will inform you when a new version of Google Chrome is available and using an outdated web browser is a hole in your protection). The startup monitors are just helpers, but it's finally YOU and your brain that will take the decision to leave or remove the app from the startup!
@8 - Alan, I'm sure what they mean is Startup Defender provides you with the tools to remove Trojans, Adware (or any program really) from your startup. They don't claim all Trojans and Adware will automatically be removed - but Startup Defender can be used as a tool to remove these nasties (You will be doing the driving).
multumesc.util prg
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Este un program virusat!!!!!
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