30 septembrie 2009
Partition Manager 10.0 Personal (English) helps you to completely control and manage your hard disks.
29 septembrie 2009
Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration, update and removal in Windows operating system.
28 septembrie 2009
Wondershare Video to Flash Encoder is an excellent flash video encoder to convert video to flash FLV&SWF which are in small size and high quality.
27 septembrie 2009
With the latest editions of Paragon's SlovoEd dictionary there is no need to turn pages of imposing volumes to find the necessary word!
26 septembrie 2009
AllMySongs Database is a music library for managing and cataloging music files and AudioCD.
25 septembrie 2009
Wondershare MP4 Video Converter can convert various video formats to MP4 video.
24 septembrie 2009
PDFTiger is a desktop application that quickly and accurately create PDF documents from Word, Excel, Powerpoint, txt or Images.
23 septembrie 2009
Advanced System Optimizer is the easiest and most comprehensive way to keep your PC running smooth and error free.
22 septembrie 2009
Make an exact backup of your hard disk for restoration in the event of a system failure.
21 septembrie 2009
Make an amazing photo video slideshow for YouTube, iPhone, iPod and other mobile devices.
20 septembrie 2009
Easy Flyer Creator helps you to design flyers, brochures, leaflets, certificates, tickets!
19 septembrie 2009
Wondershare Streaming Audio Recorder can record streaming audio of online music and radio station with high quality.
18 septembrie 2009
Almeza MultiSet - Leader in Unattended Installation of Windows and Software!
17 septembrie 2009
MusicCut is a windows desktop application allow you cut large music or video file to small music pieces.
16 septembrie 2009
MPEG Video Wizard DVD is your all-in-one MPEG solution!
15 septembrie 2009
PDF to HTML Converter can convert PDF to HTML file and preserve the original text content, page layouts, images and hyperlinks as best as technically possible.
14 septembrie 2009
EASEUS Partition Master Professional Edition can let you enjoy all the powerful basic and advanced partition functions.
13 septembrie 2009
model2icon converts 3D models into Windows icons.
12 septembrie 2009
ExtraFTP is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client which allows you to transfer files between your local computer and a server on the Internet.
11 septembrie 2009
Tabbles allow you organize and find your files the way you need them. And much more.