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VSDC Pro Video Editor 6.7.5 (Lifetime) Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — VSDC Pro Video Editor 6.7.5 (Lifetime)

O suită profesională non-liniară de editare video ușoară.
$19.99 EXPIRAT
Părerea utilizatorilor: 81 0 comentarii

VSDC Pro Video Editor 6.7.5 (Lifetime) a fost chilipirul zilei în 29 iulie 2021

Chilipirul Giveaway of the Day de astăzi
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Picmaster, un instrument grafic multi-talentat.

VSDC Pro Video Editor este un editor video este destinat editării fișierelor video și creării de videoclipuri de orice complexitate care implică diverse efecte vizuale și audio. Programul oferă funcționalități bogate și are totuși o interfață simplă și intuitivă, permițându-vă să creați videoclipuri cu un minim de eforturi.

caracteristici cheie:
* Import de la orice dispozitive și came, inclusiv GoPro și drone. Toate formatele acceptate. În prezent, este singurul editor video gratuit care permite utilizatorilor să exporte într-un nou codec H265 / HEVC, ceva esențial pentru cei care lucrează cu 4K și HD
* Totul pentru editare de bază fără probleme: tăiați, decupați și îmbinați fișierele, adăugați titluri și muzică preferată, conturați textul
* Efecte vizuale, corecție avansată a culorilor, LUTs și filtre la modă asemănătoare cu Instagram   
* Toate prelucrările multimedia efectuate dintr-o singură aplicație: capabilități de editare video întărite de un convertor video, o captură de ecran, un înregistrator audio, o captură video, un arzător de disc și un uploader YouTube
* Editare neliniară: editați mai multe fișiere simultan
* Export ușor în rețelele sociale: profiluri speciale pentru YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter și Instagram
* Editor video 3D și 360: editare convenabilă a imaginilor panoramice și VR
* Export de înaltă calitate – fără pierderi de calitate a conversiei, viteză dublă de export chiar și a fișierelor HD datorită accelerației hardware
* Instrument de stabilizare: transformați automat înregistrările tremurânde sau nervoase într-un videoclip mai stabil
* Voice over: înregistrați-vă discursul în sincronizare cu videoclipul.
* Set de instrumente esențiale pentru editare video profesională: moduri de amestecare, instrument de mască, cheie cromatică avansată în mai multe culori, instrument de transformare gratuit, spectru Audio și eliminare a zgomotului
* Urmărirea mișcării: aplicați traiectoria de mișcare a oricărui obiect la un titlu de text, o mască sau o imagine

The current text is the result of machine translation. You can help us improve it.

Cerinţe minime de sistem:

Windows  XP SP3/ Vista/ 7/ 8/ 10; Intel, Intel, AMD or compatible processor with the work frequency at 1.5 GHz or higher; Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels with 16-bit color or higher; RAM 256Mb; Microsoft DirectX 9.0с or higher; 50 MB free disk space. The installation and activation of the program require Administrator permissions. An Internet connection is required to activate the Pro version.



Pagina de pornire:


Dimensiunile fişierului:

92.1 MB

Licence details:

Lifetime, no updates



GIVEAWAY download basket

Edit multiple video files to create custom presentations.
Developed by MPCSTAR
Developed by VSO Software
Developed by Eolsoft

Comentarii la VSDC Pro Video Editor 6.7.5 (Lifetime)

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Comentarii de top în engleză

I recently tried to install the free version of this software and received errors regarding microsoft visual C+ upon launching the program and was unable to fix it. So I just reformatted my 'windows7 home edition' in hopes to install this paid version and received an Error This program cant start because mfc140u.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix the problem. I spent days doing this last time and with a clean install of windows 7 I still get this problem. Any help would be appreciated.

Dave  –  3 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+6)

Thanks for the suggestion, if only it was that easy. It would be easier if the software developers added the dll file while the VisualC+ was being moved during the install. This is some of what I tried over 3 days the last time I tried to install this companies software-
“MFC140u.dll is missing”, “MFC140u.dll is missing”… One of the most common errors in Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7 concerns the file MFC140u.dll. It seems that the error in question appears when you try to run a series of specialized programs, such as Autocad, Corel, or Corel Draw 2019, and 2021. Fortunately, the error is easy to fix, although you will have to follow a series of steps to fix the missing MFC140u.dll file.
Solutions to the MFC140U.DLL Error in Windows 10, 8, and 7
Like most DLL library errors, the MFC140u.dll error is related to the legacy library set of Visual Studio C++, a program that provides Windows with the tools necessary to run certain graphics programs. To solve this error, the first thing you will have to do is reinstall precisely that program. You can download it through the following link:
Download Visual C++ for Windows
System Type
Once inside the web, you will select the type of operating system your pc is running (whether 32 or 64 bits), information that you can know in the System Type section by right-clicking on the Windows icon in the Start menu or go to “This PC”, right-click on an empty space and click on “Properties”.
If your system is based on a 32-bit architecture, you will have to download the version of Visual Studio C++ that corresponds to the x86 file. For 64-bit versions, you will have to download the x64 variant.
After downloading the program in question, you will proceed with the installation as if it were any other program. Finally, restart the computer so that the changes are applied correctly.
READ: How to Become a Professional Video Editor
Download MFC140U.DLL if the Previous Method does not work
In case the previous method does not work, the next thing you have to do is download the library manually. Like the previous method, the download of the file depends on the architecture of your computer, while you will have to download the version corresponding to the system type that runs on your computer.
Download MFC140u.dll 32 bits
Download MFC140u.dll 64 bits
Once you have downloaded the file corresponding to your system type, the next thing you will have to do is go to the System32 folder located in the path C:\Windows\System32\. Finally copy the file in question into the folder. You can also try to paste the file in the SysWOW64 folder if the file is 32 bits.
If the latter does not work, the next step will be to copy the same library inside the folder of the program that is generating the error. To do this, you will right-click on the application icon. Then, click on “Open file location”.
Now you will only have to paste the file MFC140u.dll that you have previously downloaded.
None of the Above Works, What do I do?
The last method to solve the MFC140u.dll error is based on using the Windows command machine itself to repair the system errors. To access the CMD, type the name of the program in the Windows Start menu and right-click on the mouse to open the program with administrator privileges.
Inside the command machine, type the following command:
sfc /scannow
A simple installation should not be that difficult and is why I ended up reformatting my computer, I'm glad I was running it in a virtual environment as to not permanently effect my operating system this time. I also tried about 5 different methods from patches to updates to upgrades. I have pages of more info on my attempts.

Dave  –  3 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+12)

Installation and activation went smoothly and quickly. This appears to be a remarkably full featured program that may overwhelm me with its features and abilities. It'll take me a few weeks to wring it out and see if I catch on to its editing style.

IMO, this is a major winner from GOTD.

paul  –  3 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+11)

Respect to author and his \ her team. The program had improved very much by them since that time when I met it first time on the giveawayoftheday. And they continue to add new functions to it.
Kind regards,

Esther IT co  –  3 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+11)

Not work on Windows XP :(

rocq  –  3 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (-1)

rocq, Hello, please, download version 6.4.2 here: https://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor/download

VSDC team  –  3 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+11)

I downloaded and installed VSDC zip and opened the readme.txt but there is no ket there to activate. Is it possible to get the key so I can have the Pro version of VSDC?

Ed  –  3 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (-7)

Ed, please, consult the Readme file more attentively. It contains a link to the page with a form to fill in to receive a key.

VSDC team  –  3 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+8)

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