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Tabbles Home Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Tabbles Home

Tabbles allows you to categorize your files/folders by placing them in as many tabbles (tag-bubbles) as you like.
$29.99 EXPIRAT
Părerea utilizatorilor: 260 3 comentarii

Tabbles Home a fost chilipirul zilei în 9 iulie 2010

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Remote Control Pro Lan Edition este clientul desktop de la distanță Intranet perfect.

Oricât de organizaţi sunteţi cu fişierele dumneavoastră, la un moment dat trebuie să vă fi pus întrebarea „să pun acest fişier în acest director sau în celălalt?”…”oare o să-mi aduc aminte unde este fişierul şi faptul că l-am pus în acest director?”…”sau să fac o copie?” Cu Tabbles toate acestea sunt rezolvate!

Tabbles vă permite să clasificaţi fişierele şi directoarele dumneavoastră în câte tabbles (tag bubbles) doriţi pentru ca mai apoi să le regăsiţi reamintindu-vă despre ce anume era acel fişier, “combinând” aceste tabbles (tabbles=concepte) care vă fac să vă gândiţi la acel fişier într-un mod natural şi dinamic. Fişierele dumneavoastră NU vor fi mutate, duplicate sau amestecate între ele. De exemplu, utilizând Tabbles puteți găsi toate ”pozele” în care apar  ”copiii” la ”munte” cu doar 4 click-uri!

Trăsături cheie:

  • Un tabel (bulinele colorate) este o etichetă și în același timp și un director virtual: puteți trage și pune fișiere în el (la fel ca într-un director) și ulterior puteți căuta după etichete.
  • Același fișier poate exista în mai multe tabele FĂRĂ SĂ FIE DUPLICAT pe hard disk.
  • COMBINAREA este cheia: de exemplu, faci click pe tabelele ”Facturi” și ”2007” și apoi utilizați funcția de ”combinare” pentru a vedea toate fișierele etichetate cu ”facturi” și ”2007”.
  • Reguli de auto-etichetare:  Tabbles va eticheta automatfișiere și directoare în funcție de nume și/sau de locație.
  • Puteți deasemenea să etichetați pagini web sau puteți utiliza extensiile-shell pentru a eticheta/găsi mai repede fișierele.
  • Această versiune permite clasificarea a până la 10000 de fișiere.

Cerinţe minime de sistem:

Windows Xp/Vista/7 (32bit and 64bit). Requires the .net Framework 4



Pagina de pornire:


Dimensiunile fişierului:

6.18 MB



Comentarii la Tabbles Home

Thank you for voting!
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.

Hello again.

Welcome new GOTD download. The installer has been updated again, so please get the new archive.

NB: the updates are available for this version according to Andrea D'Intino form Yellow blue soft. :)

Best regards,
GOTD team

Răspunde   |   admin  –  14 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (0)

dragostea din tei!


Răspunde   |   Andrea D'Intino  –  14 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (0)

Dear users,

we have just updated the download file. There was a bug some of you mentioned in the beginning of giveaway day. It has been fixed. So please re-download the new installer of Tabbles Home and enjoy.

ps: Andrea, thank you for your support!

Best regards,
GOTD team

Răspunde   |   admin  –  14 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (0)
Adăugare comentariu
Comentarii de top în engleză

The Good
* Terrific, aesthetically pleasing interface and animations.
* Users can add multiple tags to one file/folder/URL.
* Users can create rules for quick/auto-tagging.
* Tags can be customized by color.
* Powerful filtering/sorting capability.
* Familiar Windows Explorer-like interface allows for easy browsing and tagging of files and folders.
* Adds entry into right-click context menu for quick tagging capabilities.

The Bad
* Does not keep track of tags for files and folders if you move them via Windows Explorer (does keep track if you move them via Tabbles).
* Home edition does not allow for export/import of tabbles.
* Requires .NET Framework 4.
* A bit RAM intensive.

Free Alternatives
Tabbles Free [Fully featured but limited to 1,000 files]

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Ashraf  –  14 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+199)

A note from the developer:

we'll be monitoring thes comments and the bug reports for the next 24 hours (yes, we'll be up for 24h... I already have 2lt of coffee ready).

For sure there will be bugs and crashes: stay assured that (when possible) all the bugs/crashes emerging today will be fixed and we'll release one or more updates free of charge. We did this already when Tabbles was featured last September and it was the best thing to do!

So, if you find a bug/crash:
- tell us!
- please don't uninstall Tabbles: we'll fix it for free!

If you have any question you can also use our forum and our chat.

Thanks everybody!!! :-D


Andrea D'Intino  –  14 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+109)

I hate MS's evolution to 'smoke and mirrors'.
I hate the Documents and Settings folder.
It is like a mineshaft dug by a giant rabid Wombat.
And I hate the pretend folders in Windows Explorer 'My Pictures' etc.
Which in fact are like shortcuts to 6 miles down the mineshaft of 'Documents and Settings'
I believe Windows 7 is adding more of this abstracting for Files and Folders.

Join me to fight this.
(I am NOT referring to this GOTD program, I am referring to the evolving concept of abstracting us away from where files are actually located.)

Instead, create folders in your C drive like -
Under there, you can have folders for Money, Web, CD-DVD, Health, etc
And then you can have sub folders under them.

Doing that means you will always know where to find things, without any 'pretend this is a folder' rubbish.
And you can burn the lot to a DVD Weekly or Daily, to back it all up.

In addition, change the Settings in all your programs, to prevent them saving things into the mineshaft (where you may have to search to find them).
Instead have a folder called
And save everything into there.
Get a multi tabbed Windows Explorer like XYPlorerFree, and lock the first Tab to the Downloads folder.
You can have that Tab set to sort by Date, and you can lock that preference.
Then every so often, you can go to that tab, and move your files to the C:\B_\ sub folders.
Not only will the most recent be at the top (of your Downloads folder, Tab), but the adjacent ones will relate to the same download session.

Rob  –  14 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+54)

I've been visiting GOTD for many months now (thanks to Rick Broida at The Cheapskate blog at CNET) and have not really commented.

1) @Noel--What I've read previously is that many people are using the thumbs-up or down on the basis of whether or not they think they might like it and might or might not download it. Apparently many folks who see the product and decide that it is not useful for them simply click on a thumbs down.

2) I haven't tried this yet, but am definitely going to. My wife and I have differing ideas about how to label photos especially and I think a product like this will make it easier. Heck, I'm likely to try this on my work computer because I often can't remember what "category" I put something in. The ability to tag files with multiple entries is a great idea (maybe too time-consuming, but that's to be seen).

3) I don't think it's a great idea to gripe about the .net framework as a primary reason not to use the product. I suppose the developer might have used a different method (I'm not especially technically savvy in software design), but complaining about the use of the time it take to download the technology isn't especially fair. I don't think most folks complain too much that they have to use a browser to open a web site. (I know, this is a bit naive a viewpoint, but the developer's just using the tools available, right?)

4) I love that Ashraf does really nice reviews of products and I especially love how he rates the cost too. Much appreciated advice and thanks for your efforts.

5) I recommendation to GOTD would be to either:
a) Put on today's page way to vote on yesterday's giveaway so folks can have time with it before voting.
b) Generate an e-mail the next day to vote on previous day's giveaway.
c) Create a longer history page of past giveaways that would both give users the chance to vote as much as 30 days after the release, give vendors the opportunity to continue to market their product, possibly give vendors the opportunity to offer a download for a small cost (e.g., $5/download) that might even have $1 of that captured by GOTD for running this great website. The 24-hour time limit makes sense, but I've missed some giveaways that I saw while at work that I forgot to download at home (the Ashampoo house design software to be specific) that I might have been willing to pay a little something for.

Thanks GOTD for your site. I find it totally addictive to visit each day and enjoy exploring even when the product isn't of particular interest to me.

Barry  –  14 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+54)

I have been using Tabbles since it began. Most of the posters here at GOTD have missed the MAJOR functional capability.
A major failing of any real file system is the inability to have virtual directories.
A given file, like contactGeorge.txt needs to be located in multiple LOGICAL folders.

I would like to be able to "find" george any way I want by using logical folders or naming but have all of these techniques point to the same PHYSICAL file.
It is not unusal for "find" or "search" to be used VERY often.

Another example:pictures
The same picture could be found in:
\Family gatherings 2010 July
\Son graduation
\Son's school years

A given picture could be in each of these virtual folders but only physically exist in one place

Tabbles is not the perfect system, the user interface and rules take some time to learn and implement.
Tabbles is the PERFECT SOLUTION that needs more users to comment on improvement requirements.
The Tabbles team is VERY responsive.
They are the only solution on the horizon for this very expensive problem.

This lack of multiple names(aliases) has been around since my first Mainframe days in the 1960's.
The volume of data storage available today is still amazing.
I only buy 2TB drives and have many of them. (A lot of backup)
A methodology like Tabbles is the only technique to organize your contents based on YOUR requirements not the Microsoft file system.

I am NOT an employee of Tabbles, just a big fan that has been involved in managing large volumes of data storage since the 1960's.
I was the manager responsible for the "futures of Data Storage management" in the 1980's - wow has it been that long?

To bad Tabbles is not available for the Mainframe...

I urge you to give this program a try. Space, .net, memory issues are trivival compared to the real probmel of managing files.

Bob Levy

Bob Levy  –  14 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+46)

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