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Startup Defender 2.8 a fost chilipirul zilei în 8 februarie 2011
Startup Defender este un program minimalist localizat în bara de unelte a sistemului Windows și care monitorizează în timp real locațiile de start up ale PC-ului dvs. pentru a împiedica programele să pornească automat fără voia dvs. Dacă un program încearcă să pornească automat, Startup Defender va deschide o fereastră întrebându-vă dacă acelui program îi este permis să pornească automat cu Windows-ul.
Deasemenea, puteţi seta programele care să ruleze automat sau nu la pornirea computerului. Dacă este un program de care nu sunteţi sigur, îl puteţi căuta pe Google pentru a vedea dacă este necesar sau poate chiar periculos şi astfel puteţi alege dacă doriţi să-l rulaţi la pornirea computerului sau nu. Puteţi selecta funcţia autoblocare pentru programele supărătoare care încearcă în mod repetat să se seteze pe modul autopornire o dată cu Windows-ul pentru ca Startup Defender să le oprească fără să vă mai deranjeze. Iar acum puteţi vedea toate procesele active şi serviciile la un loc şi nu să le porniţi/opriţi selectiv una câte una.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
1.26 MB
Cleanse Uninstaller Pro este un program avansat conceput pentru dezinstalarea programelor care găseşte şi înlătură chiar şi cele mai încăpăţânate programe software. Dezinstalează rapid, uşor şi fără probleme! Utilizând funcţia Auto Find a programului, tot ce trebuie să faceţi este să trageţi iconiţa programului dorit pentru dezinstalare în fereastra Cleanse Uninstallers şi Cleanse Uninstaller Pro va găsi automat programul în lista de programe selectate pentru dezinstalare şi va porni procesul avansat de dezinstalare.
Go Go Stop
GoGoStop este un instrument compact de administrare a sarcinilor programate conceput pentru a rula programele neasistate. GoGoStop vă permite să administraţi sarcinile frecvente şi să le porniţi automat în fundal. Opţiunile de programare flexibile vă oferă posibilitatea să specificaţi exact momentul în care doriţi să pornească o sarcină şi ziua, săptămănă şi luna exactă când doriţi ca aceasta să se oprească.
Easy Start Menu Organizer este un instrument pentru aranjarea şi ştergerea cu uşurinţă a programelor care apar in meniul de start. Programul facilitează sortarea aplicaţiilor în grupuri ţintă. Deasemenea, programul permite copierea şi ştergerea iconiţelor aplicaţiilor din meniul de start. Aranjează meniul de start în ordine alfabetică şi grupează directoarele. Toate acestea vă economisesc timpul şi vă ajută să vă păstraţi afacerea în ordine!
Comentarii la Startup Defender 2.8
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WinPatrol does this and it's free.....all the time!
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Startup Defender's features are quite similar to Win Patrol and AnVir Task Manager, which come in free version and basically offer popular features such as monitoring new startups, block undesired startup programs, delay start up programs, force removal of unwanted startup programs, and replacing window task manager.
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@ #19 ducttape36: "you don't need this program or any other. windows has it built in".
Where do you get your ideas from?
Windows' System Configuration is, in XP and Vista (I don't know about Windows 7 because I don't have it) a rudimentary feature that was never intended to be a multi-purpose watchdog and which does not, because it cannot, offer real-time security monitoring.
Or have you found a hitherto completely unknown msconfig version which (a) allows the user to selectively delay the start-up of programs so that boot-up isn't slowed down by all of 'em going at once; (b) alerts to attempted new-install services, Browser Helper Objects, malicious re-directions to internet browser Home & Search pages and unauthorised attempts to modify Hosts file; (c) reviews and where required removes unwanted Scheduled Tasks; (d) manages and removes cookies and disables / discards unwanted tool bars; (e) locks the computer's file associations to prevent malicious re-setting; (f) warns of attempted changes to UAC settings and (g) flags up any and every attempt to register new Active X components so that they can be accepted or rejected???
No. Thought not.
Your "advice" is not only glib. It's downright dangerous to people who might make the mistake of believing you know what you're talking about.
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To be honest this capability should be built into Windows. If you don't have such software already then this will doubtless do the job. I used to use a control panel applet by somebody called M Lin (when these things were hard to find). Since that didn't work when I moved to Win 7 I searched for a alternative and found a program called Autoruns which is freeware and gets the job done well.
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@9, Marg: If you're referring to Process Lassoo, then no. ProcessLassoo is monitoring / management software. Startup Defender is monitoring / alert software.
As to today's offer: seems OK as a freebie. But seems utterly pointless as a commercial product. Bill Pytlovany popularised (and may even have pioneered) this kind of app many years ago, and as a result, his WinPatrol enjoys worldwide fame and worldwide usage.
Certainly, I wouldn't dream of running any computer of mine without Bill's little ol' Scottie dog sitting there in my tray, ready to bark a warning at the slightest sign of intruders. . .
WinPatrol free edition is just that and always has been. The commercial Pro version adds a few bells and whistles that aren't essential and in any event don't significantly improve on the core functionality of the freeware version.
And it's that freeware aspect which really does make a mess of it for developers like Zards Software and apps like their $19.95 Startup Defender: a free download today is fine, but if re-installation at some future date is necessary, then that's going to cost. Whereas a free download today of WinPatrol is a free download forever, including regular updates released on the back of global user feedback to Bill P.
It's good of Zards Software to provide Startup Defender today for those who've never experienced this kind of app before -- if for no other reason that I'm baffled why *any* computer user isn't already running this kind of protection anyway: are there really people out there sitting in front of an expensive home PC without even bothering to protect it from the stuff that AVs and firewalls may not pick up on?
Kudos, then, to Zards Software for today's Startup Defender free offer. But as I've found nothing in its $19.95 package that WinPatrol doesn't already provide for $00.00, my question remains: what, really, is the point?
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