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SoftSkin Photo Makeup Pro 1.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — SoftSkin Photo Makeup Pro 1.1

Produce perfect portraits out of ordinary snapshots!
$29.95 EXPIRAT
Părerea utilizatorilor: 473 0 comentarii

SoftSkin Photo Makeup Pro 1.1 a fost chilipirul zilei în 26 august 2013

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Ca fotograf profesionist sau utilizator priceput căruia ii place să facă şi să editeze poze, probabil că ştiţi cu siguranţă că unul dintre cele mai dificile lucruri este lucrul cu portrete. Toată lumea vrea să aibă o piele perfectă, ochi strălucitori şi un machiaj fără cusur, dar în viaţa reală nu se întâmplă întotdeauna aşa. Adobe Photoshop este cel mai popular program de procesare imagini, dar acum există un mod mai nou şi mai uşor de editare a pozelor!

Vă prezentăm SoftSkin Photo Makeup - un program de la SoftOrbits, o companie premiată pentru programele sale.

Cu acest instrument veţi putea să întreprindeţi uşor şi eficient următoarele acţiuni:

  • să îmbunătăţiţi textura tenului;
  • să albiţi dinţii;
  • să aplicaţi machiaj virtual pentru ochi şi buze;
  • să înlăturaţi efectul de ochi roşii.

Nu rataţi această ofertă specială de la SoftOrbits pentru utilizatorii GOTD - 70% reducere la toate titlurile pe durata chilipirului! Folosiţi codul PPGCUP2 pentru a beneficia de reducere.

Ofertă limitată!
SoftOrbits oferă fiecărui utilizator o licenţă oficială COMPLETĂ (ce include viitoarele actualizări) pentru programul SoftOrbits Photo Makeup dacă scrieţi o scurtă recenzie (chiar şi doar 10-15 cuvinte) şi o publicaţi undeva pe internet. O puteţi publica în pagina personală, pe un site, forum, etc. Trimiteţi apoi un mesaj pe adresa support@softorbits.com, precizând adresa web a paginii unde aţi postat recenzia. Ofertă este valabilă o săptămână.

Cerinţe minime de sistem:

Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista/ 7



Pagina de pornire:


Dimensiunile fişierului:

15.1 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.
Developed by Andrew Zhezherun

Comentarii la SoftSkin Photo Makeup Pro 1.1

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Comentarii de top în engleză

Yes it does the job but Beauty Guide and/or Cosmetic Guide do the same for FREE:


And for a more comprehensive FREE & PORTABLE Image Editing tool:


HINT: how about focusing on different kind of apps?

Giovanni  –  11 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+174)

This software installed very easily with no 'hidden goodies' waiting to be installed along with it by unsuspecting users.

But sadly, while I really really wanted this program to be a great one, I'm afraid it simply didn't work as I'd hoped it would.

Perhaps if a user doesn't have any other, even basic, photo editing programs this may be okay ... but while intuitive to use, one needs a very steady hand, for example, when applying lipstick or eye liner.

I do apologize for this poor review, especially since I really do appreciate software creators being kind enough to give programs away free here.

My review may be harsh because I have other programs that do the same and even a better job faster and easier ... but sadly, suspect I won't be alone in being disappointed.

Mara  –  11 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+91)

#2: "Perhaps if a user doesn’t have any other, even basic, photo editing programs this may be okay … but while intuitive to use, one needs a very steady hand, for example, when applying lipstick or eye liner."

Less of a steady hand I would imagine than if you were applying the real thing. :)

Regardless the software you use, that's where graphics or drawing tablets come in, & you don't need a seriously expensive Wacom -- just something that lets you use the same, natural hand motions you use when sketching, doodling, or yes, applying makeup. It is possible to do the same painting or drawing motions with a mouse -- it's just harder because moving a mouse around on your desk is just not the same sort of natural movement.

Alternatively, again regardless the software you're using, make & use selections, which can limit whatever you're doing to the selected area. You can add to &/or subtract from a selection, paint it on in "brush strokes" or create it a few pixels at a time with each mouse click so that you get it just right. Some software does make it faster/easier, though you often have to dig a bit deeper when researching whatever app to find out, since that's not always something marketing types focus on.

One method I sometimes use with a copy of the image or a duplicate layer is to start by removing or clearing everything outside the area I want to select, 1st by repeatedly using the rectangle selection tool, hitting delete to clear each selection, working my way from the outside in. That way I've Very quickly got the area I want to select, surrounded by just a thin band of pixels that's easier [& faster] for me to get rid of. Once I've got the area selected I can copy/paste onto the complete image, usually with a bit of feathering, control the transparency & method of blending etc. so that whatever touch-up is just right.

* * *

#7: " For me also the end results look somewhat false and shout out ‘this is airbrushed’. "

The problem is that regardless the software used, treating color & texture at the same time alters, somewhat damages texture. To cure that sort of thing research Frequency Separation, which is a method that's becoming more & more popular as it allows you to work with each [color & texture] separately. SoftSkin Photo Makeup is designed to make some types of touch-up easier, so if you like the way it works there's no reason you can't use it for example on a copy or layer of the image that just represents the color, then merge the results back together with the texture layer.

mike  –  11 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+23)

I don't see any serious "free" alternatives mentioned here or even purchased software that is in the same price range.

@ Comment #1 "Giovanni"...While everyone is familiar and appreciates your expertise...Why are you "Again" mentioning 3 alternatives that have very few features in the "Lite, free version"??? They are useless. In my humble opinion; PhotoScape, which is always free, has much better control and features than most paid for softwares.
I do agree that it is time to move on with other types of software...the offerings are all mediocre and too many deal with...or attempt to deal with the same categories. Free to try is great...if the software were of any note. Same old stuff being re-hashed...I haven't downloaded anything in at least 6 months.
Sorry for my mini rant...just expressing what seems to be a common complaint here. Thanks anyway GOTD

Zip  –  11 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+19)

Regarding No. 4: The Companies that give away the Software, I reckon do not make up the Invitation to download the software. That I believe is made by Giveaway of the Day. So Do NOT Blame the Donor which is supplying the program for free.

Andy  –  11 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+16)

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