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SlovoEd dictionary a fost chilipirul zilei în 27 septembrie 2009
Ultimele ediţii din seria dicţionarului Paragon SlovoEd includ versiunile desktop ale dicţionarelor Englez-Francez, Englez-Spaniol şi Englez explicativ. Nu este nevoie să răsfoiţi pagini întregi de volume pentru a găsi cuvântul căutat.
Dicţionarele veritabile ale publiciştilor de top au fost adaptate într-o versiune electronică pentru utilizatorii PC, punând la dispoziţie traducerea extinsă sau definiţia cuvintelor doar prin plasarea cursorului peste cuvântul respectiv.
Pe lângă faptul că utilizatorul are posibilitatea de a cauta rapid un cuvânt în orice document, e-mail sau pagină web, acesta poate deasemenea să asculte promunţarea cuvintelor.
Englez explicativ legătura versiunii aici. Dimensiunea fişierului 25.1 MB
Englez-Francez legătura versiunii aici. Dimensiunea fişierului 43.3 MB
Englez-Spaniol legatură versiunii aici. Dimensiunea fişierului 46.9 MB
Windows 2000/XP/Vista (x32/x64)
114 MB
Acest dicţionar uşurează stăpânirea limbilor străine atunci când utilizatorii se află în deplasări. Conţinutul lingvistic deosebit, interfaţa bogată, rapiditatea în procesare, instrumentele de învăţare şi pronuntările audio vă vor ajuta să lucraţi şi să comunicaţi mult mai uşor. Suportă dispozitivele Android, BlackBerry, iPhone/iPod touch, Java, Symbian, precum şi dispozitive mobile Windows.
Seriile Original Oxford English, Russian and German dictionary, cât şi Concise Oxford Thesaurus sunt disponibile în format electronic pentru utilizatorii PC. Definiţiile detaliate ale cuvintelor sunt însoţite de exemple uzuale, de un modul audio cu accent nativ pentru 20,000 cuvinte, de transcrieri, informaţii despre gramatică, marcare colorată şi multe altele!
Cel mai uşoară şi sigură modalitate de a accesa informaţii depsre prognoza meteo la nivel local, naţional şi internaţional, atât în grade Celsius cât şi în Fahrenheit, direct de pe ecranul unui dispozitiv mobil. Uilizatorii Handy Weather pot avea acces instant şi detaliat la prognoza meteo pe 5-7 zile, susţinută de hărţi prin satelit pentru mii de oraşe din întreaga lume. Suportă dispozitive precum BlackBerry, Java, Symbian şi telefoane mobile Windows.
This English-English version contains 15655 entries.
The FULL English-English version contains 257244 entries.
That's a very big difference, and makes this download next to worthless....even for free.
Everest Dictionary (by comparison) is free & contains 176,050 words. There are multiple language combinations available and other dictionary versions (acronym's, medical, etc)
Paragon should be using this offering as a free incentive to upgrade (IMHO). Not charging almost $25 for something with so little usefulness.
Thank GAOTD, but this one is a definite pass.
Good morning.
I am interested in the SlovoEd English-Spanish dictionary and I see from the readme.txt that the giveaway is for the Compact version. From the developers website the versions of English-Spanish are described as
Compact English-Spanish dictionary contains 52300 entries cost $24.95
Classic English-Spanish dictionary contains 20988 entries cost $39.95
Deluxe English-Spanish dictionary contains 31527 entries cost $59.95.
Can anyone answer why the Compact version has more entries than the Classic & Deluxe (more expensive) versions?!
I like it, but it yaps at your heels like a terrier once it's installed, jumping in with one of those infuriating microsoft windows style balloons to comment on any word your mouse happens to hover over for more than a mini-moment. There is no obvious way to close the balloons. It turns out that what it takes is a click of the mouse. But do you want to spend you day clicking all the time?
Most similar programs have, as their default setting, controllable commentary windows or balloons that you can access deliberately, and switch off easily.
Maybe this is a feature that can be easily controlled, but if not,
it's very irritating and distracting, making it all too easy to close down the whole program and use an alternative with better manners.
All the same, I appreciate getting it to try, and will explore the settings further in the hope of taming their default excesses and using it on a regular basis.
Thanks Paragon and GOTD.
This is definitely something different and interesting. SlovoEd is aimed more at translation, but I'm not fluent in other languages. Clean install, registration is a bit convoluted. To those asking, copy the complete registration key, minus the surrounding quotes. Be sure to replace the leading part of the key which is pre-supplied in the registration box.
This is very different from most resident and online dictionaries in some respects. As I said, it's aimed mostly at translating and learning foreign languages. It doesn't require selecting words, using hotkeys, etc. I only tested the English dictionary, but I did install and register the others. It pops up a window after a couple of seconds for words that you point at that it knows, even if the form of the word is different. For many, but not all words, it has recorded speech from various speakers. Being resident, it's much quicker than online services. Like other resident dictionaries, it's good at linking to similar words, etc. One slightly annoying problem is that the spacing of fonts of different colors and features (italic, etc.) is messed up. It has quizzes for learning words which you specify as virtual flash-cards. It has tables of irregular verbs, and an extensive table of forms of the current word. You can bookmark words. The pop-ups are interactive, double-clicking on words in them takes you to corresponding dictionary entries, and shows you similar words. Clicking the speaker button, if present, plays recorded speech of the word. I haven't read through the Help, it probably has more features. It has an amazing ability to extract on-screen text, including that in program buttons, etc.
As to whether this is useful, that's up to you. The English compact dictionary is too small and limited to be useful, but it's good for showing you what the program can do, in case you decide to buy a better version (note that the Oxford version might not have speech). If you're not translating, I would definitely want better control over the pop-ups (hotkey and/or selectable delay).
Any software which has access to all of your text and the Internet is a security risk. This is listed as safe, but it does use the Internet without your permission. It sends out a fair amount of information about your configuration, much of it obfuscated. However, it does not appear to send out your monitored text.
Since this doesn't mess up your system, I would say take a look at it if this type of software interests you and you don't mind a larger disk footprint than the typical GOTD offering.
Another good free alternative is Lingoes found there: www.lingoes.net
You can use all kinds of free dictionaries (both on and off-line) plus there is even a portable version.
Pt cine este interesat de un text to speach pt limba romana aici este unul trial 30 zile facut de o poloneza ca noi nu suntem capabili nici de unul comercial iar de unul free nici nu poate fi vorba:
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Acest program este un dictionar totusi, nu traduce propozitii intregi. Google translator traduce texte (propozitii) si o face haotic. Nu cred ca se poate compara cu o traducere umana, e totusi un program.
Slovoed e util pentru traduceri engleza-spaniola-engleza si mie mi se pare foarte ok.
Cat despre limba romana, as fi vrut sa contima si limba romana, dar cred ca se merge pe cele mai raspandite doua limbi, engleza si spaniola. Acest program este produs de o companie, iar aceasta nu e GOTD, poate din cauza asta nu contine limbile GOTD. Vezi despre: http://giveawayoftheday.com/about/ Daca vor mai aparea si alte versiuni, nu cred ca o sa se grabeasca sa puna si limba romana, poate franceza, italiana..
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Acest program,cred aproape sigur e o versiune demo.
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subscriu la cele spuse de titus..DA, ar fi trebuit sa contina si dictionarul de limba romana. Poate intr-o versiune avansata..
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Alte alternative gratuite sunt:ShaPlus Google translator 2,selectezi textul,dai click dreapta si selectezi ShaPlus si-ti traduce automat in ce limba ai setat.Altul fb este:Lingoes portable,aici ar putea la text to speach sa puna si alte limbi ,nu doar engleza.
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Se putea pune aici pt mai multe limbi,macar cele care sunt aici la Gaotd,la fel cum normal ar trebui sa se puna softuri traduse macar in limbile in care este reprezentat Gaotd.Programul este bun,probabil era indicat sa fie facut pt diversitatea de browsere de pe piata si numai sa selectezi textul si sa alegi limba in care vrei sa traduci.Pana atunci folosim Google Translator si motorul de cautare Google.
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