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Registry Defragmentation 9.2 a fost chilipirul zilei în 28 martie 2010
Registry Defragmentation este un mic instrument care aduce îmbunătăţiri uriaşe în ceea ce priveşte performanţa computerului dumneavoastră. Această aplicaţie defragmentează fizic regiştrii Windows pentru a le conferi structura liniară potrivită. Acesta este un instrument de bază pentru toate persoanele care instalează/dezinstalează în mod frecvent aplicaţii noi.
Registry Defragmentation realizează defragmentarea fizică a fişierului de registrii Windows. După această defragmentare registrul Windows va dobândi o structură liniară care va reduce timpul de răspuns al aplicaţiilor şi cel de accesare a regiştrilor Windows. Registry Defragmentation înlătură intrările nedorite, făcând dimensiunile registrului Windows şi mai mici. Nu vă faceţi probleme dacă uneori în urma defragmentării registrul Windows va fi doar cu 1-5% mai mic, mărimea nu este esenţială, ci structura sa liniară, ceea ce implică un timp de răspuns mai bun.
Windows 7/Vista/XP (32-bit and 64-bit)
3.42 MB
Aranjaţi regiştrii Windows şi îmbunătăţiţii performanţa computerului dumneavoastră! Sistemul dumneavoastră devine instabil şi funcţionează din ce în ce mai greu? Dacă aşa stau lucrurile, atunci aveţi nevoie de un un instrument profesional de curăţat şi reparat regiştrii Windows. Răspunsul la probleme este Advanced Registry Doctor!
Premium Booster va optimiza computerul dumneavoastră în câtiva paşi uşori. Veţi observa imediat că magia lui chiar funcţionează, iar Windows devine din ce în ce mai stabil dacă veţi folosi în continuare Premium Booster.
TweakRAM a fost conceput pentru a curaţa memoria computerului dumneavoastră. Poate optimiza memoria RAM pentru a face computerul să funcţioneze mai rapid şi astfel să fie mai stabil, mărind performanţa sistemului prin ştergerea conţinutului memoriei RAM.
Comentarii la Registry Defragmentation 9.2
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
I wouldn't call registry defragmentation a "gigantic improvement" in computer performance...I'm not even sure that it's noticeable on most computers. In any case, there are a number of programs that are free every day that do this, so why download one that's only free today?
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#2, Iris: Defragging your hard drive is not the same thing as defragging your registry. Unfortunately, because the registry file is always in use, a normal hard drive defrag utility cannot access it. You either have to have an aftermarket defragger that defrags system files upon a reboot, or a special registry defragger like this program.
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SysInternals, since taken over by MS, has a dependable tool to do this for free: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/sysinternals/bb897426.aspx
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There are several free registry defragmentation tools such as:
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Hi all!!
Today's giveaway is not bad and for sure worth downloading (after all it's FREE, isn't it?? LOL!!)!!
The only bug I found till now is that, although the program really finds and removes unused Registry entries, it doesn't offer users the option to see or save any of the entries but, apart from this problem, this tool is very useful and handy especially for geeks like the undersigned who install/uninstall new applications almost on a daily basis.
So I give it a THUMBS UP!!
Key Features:
* Multi-Language GUI
* Novice
* Advanced
* Automatic Removal
* Shows Progress
* Compacting registry
* Regularly removes deleted data from the registry
* Reduces software response time
* Reduces system response Time
* Reduces boot time
* Builds new registry with linear structure
* Backup Registry
* System backup
As far as I'm concerned, when I have to clean the registry of my PC, I've always used this combination of free tools and never had any problem till now:
- RegSeeker (only green registry keys must be deleted)
- Clean My Registry
- RegScrub
- Free Windows Registry Repair
- EasyCleaner
- Ccleaner and/or Advanced System Care 3.5 Pro (I know a trick to get a free LIFETIME LICENSE of this nice program…LOL!! )
Plus NTREGOPT and/or QUICKSYS REFDEFRAG to defragment the Registry!
Everything for FRERE!!
So it's not necessary true that you have to pay money to keep your PC healthy & fit.
Then of course if you want to turn your machine into a FERRARI you can also use TUNEUP UTILITIES 2008 or 2009, jv16 PowerTools 2009, WinOptimizer 2010 and/or WinUtilities pro, REGISTRY MECHANIC 8 etc…. but the FREE TOOLS mentioned above are enough for me to keep my system fit and healthy.
- FREE REGISTRY MECHANIC 8 (1 year FREE license code ==> worth 30 $)
Finally, let me mention a pretty unknown but amazingly powerful FREE registry tool I've recently stubled upon called "Eusing Free Registry Cleaner" that works great for me.
Give it a try!!
And to defragment the HD of your PC "ULTIMATE DEFRAG" is definitely the best free option I'm aware of out there:
Cheers from Italy!
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