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PhotoStitcher 1.6 a fost chilipirul zilei în 7 august 2014
Cu PhotoStitcher puteți uni mai multe poze într-o imagine panoramică. Programul combină armonios poze de diferite rezoluții, diferite unghiuri și chiar diferite perspective într-o imagine panoramică perfect aliniată descrisă de priveliști ce vă vor tăia respirația, biserici monumentale sau munți ce ating cerul care sunt greu de încadrat într-o singură poză.
Acest program este capabil să unească imagini panoramice complete fără intervenția utilizatorilor. Acest program reprezintă o soluție complet automată de unire a imaginilor panoramice, fie 1D (vertical SAU orizontal), fie 2D (orizontal ȘI vertical).
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8; 1000 MHz processor; 256 MB RAM
16.3 MB
Inpaint, un program de restaurare a pozelor, reconstituie aria selectată a imaginii din pixelii alăturați ariei. Inpaint înlătură obiectele nedorite din imagini, cum sunt logo-urile, ştampile watermark, linii de înaltă tensiune, oameni, text sau orice alte obiecte nedorite care apar in poză. Nu este nevoie să setați manual cu vechia funcție de clonare! Acum puteţi utiliza Inpaint pentru a înlătura cu uşurinţă toate obiectele nedorite care apar în poze şi care strică o poză care altfel ar fi fost una deosebită.
PhotoScissors este un instrument de înlăturare a fundalului din poze care poate extrage cu ușurință obiecte și poate înlătura fundalul din pozele dvs. Tot ce aveți nevoie este să desemnați un prim-plan și un fundal, iar algoritmul programului se va ocupa de detalii.
iResizer dispune de un software care scalează o imagine păstrând conţinutul caracteristicilor cheie. iResizer evită distorsionarea părților importante ale imaginii.
FolderIco vă permite să personalizaţi iconiţele fiecărui director Windows, totul cu un singur click! Descoperiți cum puteţi schimba directorul de culoare galbenă al sistemului Windows într-o varietate de iconițe personalizate care reprezintă conținutul directoarelor respective.
Multi-View Inpaint vă permite să înlăturați obiecte în mișcare din pozele dvs. cu multe detalii fine dacă aveți mai multe imagini cu aceeași șcenă.
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1 Pro 64 bit system.
A (Russian) company without name and address, focusing on photo manipulation and removing unwanted objects, regularly participating here with good products.
My comment for version 1.5 (January 21st) is still valid:
This program has a serious flaw. Panorama means adding several pictures to a combined image. That said, the program should always open the last directory. But it does always return to the default picture directory. Absolute no-go! You have every time, you want to add something to search the directory structure to find your pictures again. In my case : D:>Photo>2008>10>13 …
And then… you should be able to save the photo selection for further operations. No, you have to add all the photos every time again.
Okay, once added the photo, you choose the distortion – if you know what this means. Flat, cylindric, fish-eye. The rest is done automatically.
This works for simple tasks, but is not sufficient for a really good result. One should be able to define the control points by hand, define an average brightness and much more.
A simple photostitcher with an absolutely unsufficient interface…
I have made a sample, so you can see it for yourself:
The examples on their side are carefully selected to produce a good result.
Uninstalled via reboot.
Sadly, I misunderstood what this actually was, I thought it was for making a collage.... no wonder the photos I selected did not work. OK, my bad... but I'll take some photos in the morning, a 360 degree panorama of a local scenic spot and see what this can do.
Please don't base your opinion on my first post, at times, when I am tired, I can be an idiot. :)
I prefer Hugin or MS Image Composite Editor:
* both Hugin and ICE are freeware
* this lacks an auto-crop feature
* The progress bar is really unhelpful here. It's just a linear spinner. Hugin's progress is very easy to track, and even ICE shows actual percentage for each step.
* It feels really slow and it hogs up all resources while stitching. ICE takes a while as well, but Hugin is really fast.
* It asks for the projection before it even starts stitching. ICE makes an intelligent guess, and so does Hugin. Hugin has a lot more projection options. ICE has spherical and cylindrical only. This has a few, but it seems to lack vertical-type projections.
* It just flat out crashed during my second test. I guess it's because I chose the planar projection for a panorama that's wider than 180 degrees.
* Hugin lets you set up positive and negative masks for each image, meaning you won't end up having the same tourist in two places or someone important left out.
* ICE supports video panoramas with positive per-frame masks (masks for image panoramas are strangely missing)
* Where others flat out give up, produce parallax effect, or just for an artistic effect, Hugin still lets you set up control points manually.
As far as ease of use is concerned, the built-in panorama capabilities of the camera I use flat out win. You know instantly if you need to take another scan, you don't have to ensure overlap while shooting, the parallax effects are less pronounced, and it's easier on the memory if that's what you're worried about. The resulting resolution is sub-par, but I guess other cameras don't have that issue (feature?).
This is the BEST FREE stitcher I know of.
I use it all the time and it has updates. Very good software.
#2, kiwi1960: Don't feel bad, many of us can be idiots even when we're not tired ;-)
Pe Win XP nu merge.
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