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Photo Stamp Remover 5.5 Standard a fost chilipirul zilei în 26 septembrie 2013
Photo Remover este o utilitate foto concepută pentru a înlătura stampilele, însemnele cu data la care a fost făcută o anumită poză şi pentru înlăturarea altor obiecte nedorite ce apar în poze. Oferind un proces complet automatizat, acest program utilizează o tehnologie inteligentă de restaurare pentru a insera în aria selectată textura generată din pixelii din jurul ariei respective, astfel că defectul respectiv să se înglobeze natural în imagine.
În timp ce cu alte instrumente de clonare corectarea durează ore întregi, cu Photo Stamp Remover puteţi face toate aceste corecturi în câteva minute.
Pentru a achiziţiona o licenţă personală cu 70% reducere urmaţi acest link direct. Dacă doriţi să achiziţionaţi o licenţă business sau o licenţă service, trimiteţi-ne un email pe adresa sales@softorbits.com
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8
15.1 MB
Linia de produse SoftOrbits Digital Photo Suite vă pune la dispoziţie soluţii de date pentru retuşare, redimensionare, conversie, protejare şi publicare a pozelor digitale. Achiziţionaţi o licenţă personală cu 70% reducere. Dacă doriţi o licenţă business sau service, trimiteţi-ne un email pe adresa sales@softorbits.com .
Sketch Drawer este un program de editare foto conceput pentru a converti fotografii în schiţe de creion. Acest program permite utilizatorilor să transforme fotografii banale în picturi desenate în creion, atât alb-negru cât şi color. Când creaţi o schiţă în creion puteţi alege dintre mai multe setări şi opţiuni. Există două moduri de editare a pozelor cu SoftOrbits: manual şi cu ajutorul presetărilor. Aceste presetări pot fi atilizate ca ghid de către începători. Achiziţionaţi o licenţă personală cu 70% reducere. Dacă doriţi o licenţă business sau service, trimiteţi-ne un email pe adresa sales@softorbits.com .
SoftOrbits Flash Recovery este un instrument Flash de recuperare date. Poate recupera datele de pe orice mediu de stocare (stickuri USB, camere digitale, flash drives, carduri, stickuri USB, cu muzică, etc.). Acest instrument recuperează toate pozele virusate sau şterse, documentele, fişierele mp3 şi alte fişiere, chiar şi atunci când un card de memorie a fost reformatat. Puteţi vedea pozele recuperate şi alte documente cu versiunea gratuită. Achiziţionaţi o licenţă personală cu 70% reducere. Dacă doriţi o licenţă business sau service, trimiteţi-ne un email pe adresa sales@softorbits.com .
Un program de redimensionare a pozelor este absolut necesar şi extrem de folositor celor care lucrează cu poze digitale. Mulţi utilizatori folosesc programe complexe şi scumpe de editare foto doar pentru a redimensiona pozele şi pentru alte operaţii simple şi asta pentru că nu ştiu că există o opţiune mult mai ieftină, mai rapidă şi mai eficientă. De altfel, redimensionarea pozelor una câte una este o mare pierdere de timp, mai ales atunci când aveţi o duzină de poze, nemaipunând la socoteală miile de poze care necesită convertire. Achiziţionaţi o licenţă personală cu 70% reducere. Dacă doriţi o licenţă business sau service, trimiteţi-ne un email pe adresa sales@softorbits.com .
Programul SoftOrbits Photo Retoucher este un instrument conceput special pentru acei utilizatori care doresc să obțină rezultate rapid și ușor. Instrumentul poate înlătura zgârieturi, zgomotul digital, film grain, puncte care de obicei strică aspectul pozelor vechi. De asemenea, acesta poate reconstrui zone avariate sau cu părți lipsă. Cel mai nou algoritm permite programului să analizeze automat imaginea și să umple zona cu fundal digital original. Producătorii garantează înlăturarea persoanelor și a obiectelor nedorite ce apar în poze! Achiziţionaţi o licenţă personală cu 70% reducere. Dacă doriţi o licenţă business sau service, trimiteţi-ne un email pe adresa sales@softorbits.com .
Comentarii la Photo Stamp Remover 5.5 Standard
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Not the best tool of this kind, I have ever seen. Probably the worst. And quite buggy. The borders of the tool, you are using, sometimes disappear (and reappear). The 'undo brush' should have a button on the toolbar, it is the most useful tool here. The 'select' and 'free-form-select' tools have swapped names, i.e. you have to choose 'select' to get 'free-form-select' and vice versa. And so on.
With patience you can do the job - if it is simple enough -, but the results are under average. More complicated tasks are impossible to accomplish.
When saving to jpg, you can't select the quality of compression. And the XMP and IPTC metadata are lost. Saving to tiff destroys also EXIF.
And even I, with my poor English, can find typos and other errors in the Help file.
50 dollars is too much for this. 50 cents is too much.
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Attempted to use it on two different types of text; the first was merely an outline of letters, i.e.letters that were not filled with colour, and it made a total mess of it, the second was filled text but the result made it very obvious where the text had been.
If text counts as a stamp and it was most unsuccessful, uninstalled.
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Software installation is fast and fuss free but in test has performed poorly. I'm not sure what algorithm the developer is using for its various image-editing offerings but it doesn't look like the Seam Carving concept pioneered for free by Open Source developers
and commercially exploited ever afterwards by the likes of the InPaint producer and other commercial interests who have jumped on the clone-brush bandwagon.
In practice, I've found InPaint to be reasonably workable, if not significantly better than the freeware Open Source originals. By contrast, today's software from Softorbits failed dismally. . . and took an age to do so: the removal of one selected element from an admittedly large 4000x3000 image took 4 minutes 38 seconds (and even then, removal and re-blending was not successful.)
Repeated tests of the app's capabilities displayed the same sluggish processing -- the "timer" doesn't work, so no point in watching its progress -- as if the software was trying to clone-in simultaneously pixels from left, right, above and below in a massive over-complication of the process that is actually unintelligent and makes things worse, not better.
Thanks, GAOTD, but no thanks: there's ample freeware out there which allows for faster and more effective pixel manipulation than this.
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#9: "BEWARE AUSTRALIANS! This software breaches @ lest 10 of our piracy laws"
That sort of thinking, focusing on ways something could **possibly** be misused, doesn't lead to anything or anywhere positive.
The other day in the US some kids were suspended from school for using an airsoft pistol in their own front yard. A bit of a staple of geeks & cubicle dwellers in their fight against boredom, low powered airsoft guns are considered a harmless toy, using a spring to fire soft pellets. But to protect the public at large these kids were punished, while at the same time in so many cases little to nothing is done to prevent bad people from doing really bad things.
Yes, Photo Stamp Remover can be used to remove a watermark as well as stuff like a camera time stamp. It isn't the only, or even the best way to do so -- to prevent image watermarks from ever being removed would require banning *ALL* imaged editing software, which coincidentally would mean eliminating most all on-line images as well as watermarks on those that remained. And like the example above, it would be totally meaningless...
Most online images do not have any sort of watermark, & that includes the images used on banking sites, where pages are too often spoofed by the really bad guys who can make millions emptying the bank accounts of their victims. Any energy spent worrying about watermark removal would be more productively spent working to get more qualified tech resources employed by law enforcement, &/or getting banks etc. to make sure their techs are trained in security & actually are implementing security measures. FWIW zero day exploits are a bit rare, not because zero day vulnerabilities are also rare, but because no one has to go to that sort of trouble when the same old [years old] tricks still work so well
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I had an older version from a previous giveaway and as it was not labeled “standard”, I feared I might actually downgrade by installing this one (It happened before here! I am now very suspicious about “standard” versions). So I downloaded the trial of version 5.5 direct from SoftOrbits and entered the code given by this GOTD. And it worked! I now have a functioning registered (at least for the time being…) Photo Stamp Remover Pro 5.5. Don’t know if it makes a difference though…
In the soft itself, I didn’t find any improvement over last version.
For E.G. (Why so many thumbs down for what seems to be a legitimate question?):
What I prefer in Photo Stamp Remover:
1/ Like InPaint, PhotoStamp Remover keeps transparency, but supports much more image formats (GIF, ICO etc.) than InPaint;
2/ You can toggle between original and modified image, which you cannot do in InPaint.
What I prefer in InPaint:
1/ If you want to deselect, in InPaint you simply use the “undo” while in Photo Stamp Remover you have to check the “deselect” box on the right and re-apply the brush over your selection. Not very intuitive. According to comments and suggestions to the dev for previous giveaway, some never found it!
2/ In InPaint, you can select where to pick replacement pixels, something you can’t do in Photo Stamp Remover, which means it might work very well or not at all, depending of the surrounding background. This is the MAJOR defect of Photo Stamp Remover.
If you work a lot on images, you can keep both though. Depending of your picture, one might work better than the other one. But if you are a perfectionist, you will often have to finalize in a graphics software anyway – or work directly from one.
If you already have Photo Retoucher, also by SoftOrbits and also once offered here, which has much more features, you don’t really need this one although, strangely enough, they don’t give exactly the same results.
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