Zilnic oferim programe licențiate GRATUITE pe care altfel ar trebui să le cumpărați!
Photo Imp 1.03 a fost chilipirul zilei în 14 octombrie 2013
Photo Imp este un program la îndemână complet utilat de administrare şi a pozelor. O dată conectat cardul SD (sau camera foto), toate imaginile vor fi copiate (sau şterse) automat pe computerul dvs.
Photo Imp va crea un nou director sub formatul zz.ll.aaaa. Acest program poate de asemenea să cureţe camera dvs. Când pozele au fost importate, Photo Imp va afişa pozele recent importate. Puteţi administra pozele manual, să le repartizaţi în alte directoare, să le rotiţi, ştergeţi sau editaţi. Convertiţi inteligent într-unul din formatele: .gif, .png, .jpg, .tiff, .psd şi redimensionaţi. Puteţi adăuga şi o ştampilă/logo pe imagini.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8
19.4 MB
Câte poze conţine colecţia dvs.? Câteva sute sau mii? Acest program vă ajută să sortaţi pozele automat după dată. Este nevoie de doar 3 clickuri pentru a vă sorta pozele dvs. cu Easy Photo Sorter.
Puteţi adăuga rapid multe poze, să le aranjaţi în doverse directoare şi să adăugaţi copyright © şi trademark ®, ™ pe o mulţime de poze. Puteţi selecta tipul, dimensiunea şi gradul de transparenţă. Printre setările avansate se numără şi căsuţă de fundal pentru a scoate în evidenţă ştampilele/logo în pozele saturate.
Secret Layer vă permite să criptaţi datele şi apoi să ascundeţi acele date criptate în poze obişnuite, ca toate cele folosite zilnic în toate paginile web şi în ataşamentele din email. Avantajul stenografiei faţă de criptografie este că mesajul secret conţinut de în poze nu atrage atenţia.
Acest program este tot ce aveţi nevoie pentru a face backup datelor de pe site-ul personal!
28 $ just for importing pics from a camera and then creating a new folder in dd.mm.yyyy format??
LOL! Must be a JOKE!!
Easysector??? Hello???
Let's try to be serious....
Ever heard about "JetPhoto Studio"??
This is a superb FREE tool which can import your photos from any digital camera out there and then automatically organize them in albums, calendars and maps by EXIF metadata, notes, keywords, time and geodata. Once you have organized them with meaningful folders, this software is even able to create slideshows, wallpapers and screensavers, as well as create & publish flash and web galleries on the NET (Flickr) literally with a couple of mouse clicks.
The last version of this amazing FREE program enables users to import and manage not only their photos but also their VIDEO, raw, panorama and stereo files captured with their digital camera! This means that this software can also be used as a VIDEO CLIPS PLAYLIST ORGANIZER and even as a MOVIE EDITOR, since it's able to trim/merge any video clips of yours and reorder them in the playlist according to your needs. Once you have produced your FINAL MOVIE, you may want to publish it on the NET where it can be played in both Flash-enabled web browsers and iPad/iPhone mobiles, as well as in Flash, Lightbox, CoverFlow and Google Map web galleries.
And guess what? You don't need any video encoding and page integrating knowledge to do that, since each task is automatically performed by the program itself with no questions asked.
In addition to it, this FREE cool app allows you to:
- adjust an image's brightness and color balance
- apply filters (black and white, sepia) and automatically correct exposure to any pics and video clips of yours
- send photos to mobile phones
- add watermarks, batch rename files, copy file names to photo notes and auto rotate your photos with EXIF information
- merge GPS metadata into JPEG or RAW files and geotag your photos by automatically organizing them by a built-in digital map, designed to show you any locations where your pics were taken, by directly linking your photos to Google Earth and Google Maps.
Just take a tour here to see what this amazing FREE APP can do for you without charging you a dime:
==> FREEEEEEEEE <== Enjoy!!
My 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 cent for today's giveaway!
have not downloaded cos I'm scared of this ... it downloads and then it's possible it **Erases** from the camera chip.
NO No no. a thousand times no. I want to erase pictures from the chip Only When I Want To, and ONLY then. and it needs to be Impossible to do accidentally.
There is to be no possibility of "Oops i ticked the wrong box, and they're all Gone"
Waste of my time today by software whose raison d'etre remains elusive anyway: if a computer user doesn't know how to manage the darn near brain-dead task of creating a folder called PHOTOGRAPHS, a sub-folder identified by YEAR, and 12 sub-folders identified by MONTH, then computing obviously ain't for them. Nor digital photography, either.
I travel widely and shoot 100s of images a month and never once have had an "image soup". Nor has anyone else I know: friend, relative, or even colleague. The camera takes the pix. The pix get transferred to the appropriate hard drive sub-folder. End of Story.
Alternatively: the pix are transferred merely to the main folder -- PHOTOGRAPHS -- and then sorted subsequently, this merely requiring the equally darn near brain-dead effort of right-clicking on any of the standard column tabs in Windows Explorer and then scrolling down to More. . ., then choosing whichever options suit that folder:
Date Taken, Dimensions, Type, Size, Date Created, Date Modified, Camera Model, Camera Maker, Focal Length, EXIF version, Exposure Program, etc etc et al.
Why $28.50 is being asked by today's developer for so stunningly simple a task undertaken by Windows Explorer free of charge is baffling. Nor is it just this so-called "sorting" that Windows freely provides: the standard Windows Photo Gallery view allows the immediate rotation and saving of any image in an instant. For anything more ambitious than that, Irfanview, FastStone, and Picasa have every option covered.
PhotoImp might, perhaps, offer something for the money but today's download process is seriously weird: the DL went fine, the installation OK (*after* unchecking all boxes that would have allowed this unknown software to have automatic camera access and default association with all image file types)and GAOTD activation without a hitch -- but as the Read Me text contained no licence code at all it's proved impossible for me to actually register PhotoImp.
The program allows just 20 uses of trial import and export or can be registered for $29.50 USD (that's a dollar more than quoted here at GAOTD.)
Thanks then, GAOTD, but no thanks. This over-priced and seemingly unregisterable offering appears to feature nothing that cannot be achieved for free by any computer user capable of right-clicking with a computer mouse in Windows Explorer and toggling any of the sort options for digital photography image management.
True, PhotoImp may yet have depths awaiting discovery but as the clock counts down with every export-import attempt, valuable time is not merely being counted, but wasted. Uninstalled.
It creates folders in the dd.mm.yyyy format
So if I want to go back to a picture I remember taking back in May 2007 there would be (00-31).(01-12).(19xx-20xx) folders...
Why not yyyy.mm.ddxxx ? IMO a much better approach and universal for all file storage.
Personally my folders are yyyy - being the year. In those folders are the months mm. Each photo or dated file (in a separate area) has yyyymmddxxx names
You must be kidding! You don't need a program to transfer you photos to your PC or whatever. And the regular price is $28.50? LOL! Sorry, but I have better things to do with my time than downloading a stupid program like this one
Dear users,
We have contacted the developer regarding the registraton issue and now we have updated the installation package.
Please, download the archive again and follow the instructions in the README file carefully.
In case you already installed the Setup file please just insert the key included in new README file. You don't have to run the Setup file again.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Have a nice giveaway!
GOTD team.
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