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Photo Collage Maker Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Photo Collage Maker

Create perfect photo collages every time with Artensoft Photo Collage Maker!
$79.95 EXPIRAT
Părerea utilizatorilor: 372 2 comentarii

Photo Collage Maker a fost chilipirul zilei în 17 decembrie 2012

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În ajunul de Crăciun, Artensoft oferă şansa de a avea un program care vă ajută să creaţi un set incredibil şi creativ cu propria dvs. imaginaţie – aşa cum mii de alţi utilizatori recunoscători o fac deja.

Artensoft Photo Collage Maker crează colaje de mozaicuri unice din pozele dvs. în modul automat.
 Aruncaţi o privire în galeria pregătită de cei de la Artensoft, unde fiecare colaj a fost creat uşor cu ajutorul acestui program. Programul este singurul produs de acest tip din lume care crează automat colaje mozaicuri unde elemente de diferite dimensiuni sunt inserate cu precizie în imaginea de bază în funcţie de nivelul de detaliere ales de utilizator.

Ofertă limitată!
Artensoft doreşte să ofere fiecărui utilizator o licenţă personală oficială COMPLETĂ (cu viitoare actualizări) pentru programul  Artensoft photo Collage Maker dacă postează un link şi o scurtă recenzie (chiar şi 10-15 cuvinte) oriunde pe internet.  Acest loc poate fi pagina personală a respectivului utilizator, un site, un forum, etc. Pentru a obţine licenţa completă, utilizatorul trebuie să introducă în recenzie linkul "http://www.artensoft.com/ArtensoftPhotoCollageMaker/" şi să trimită un mesaj pe adresa de email gotd@artensoft.com cu adresa unde a postat recenzia pentru ca echipa Artensoft să o poată verifica.  După ce recenzia va fi verificată, Artensoft va răspunde printr-un email ce va conţine un serial număr personal. Ofera este valabilă doar pentru o săptămână.  

Nu rataţi această ocazie de la Artensoft pentru utilizatorii GOTD – 70% reducere pentru toate titlurile pe periaoda chilipirului!

Cerinţe minime de sistem:

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (x32/x64); Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian



Pagina de pornire:


Dimensiunile fişierului:

15.2 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Corel Corporation
Developed by The GIMP Team
Developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated
Import 3D objects and decide where to place them in the 3D model.

Comentarii la Photo Collage Maker

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Răspunde   |   musac  –  12 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (0)

un program bun,usor ,si placut de utilizat.

Răspunde   |   musac  –  12 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (0)
Adăugare comentariu
Comentarii de top în engleză

Just a question today: why pay 80 bucks (are you joking, guys??) or download an app like this which cannot be updated for free, if you can do more or less the same things or even more with FREEWARE programs like these?

* Mosaizer Pro 9.2 (==> My Personal First Choice)

* (Portable) Andrea Mosaic (==> Excellent Tool)


* MosariZer

* Foto-Mosaik-Edda

* PhotoMosaique

* JImage Mosaic

* Scrapbook Flair

* E.M. Free Photo Collage

* Mosaik

I can't wait to hear from you.

Best regards.

G i o v a n n i  –  12 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+155)

Mis-named as a 'Photo Collage' maker, this software is in fact a 'Mozaic' making software, which is totally a different kind of photo software. This probably due in part to the fact that the words 'Mozaic' and 'Mosaic' are in copyright dispute in the U.S. by another software company. Yes, thousands of years after the Romans invented it, some U.S. company patented it. This dispute is still ongoing.

Easy to install and register, Thanks,

As well as Asharif's review, I must add what I think is the most important part of any software, and that is the OUTPUT quality.

The output of this particular software is well above a million megapixels. You may not notice it too much on an A4 page, but if you have a larger printer or your printer has the 'posterize' function, then that is where the quality shows.

Posterizing your image to 9 or 16 pages, then sticking them together will give a good sharp mozaic of images. Remember the more imput images you use, the better the output, so use hundreds of images for imput. I also use different coloured blank images in the mix. This will help fill up areas of same colour such as the sea or sky etc.

denis morrow  –  12 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+121)

*Extremely easy to use -- collages are created quickly and effortlessly
*Allows you to select the image you want to use for the base and the images you want to use for the individual tiles that will makeup the collage
*Allows you to move, resize, rotate, or replace the individual pictures that make up a collage
*Can output collages as JPB, BMP, TIFF, or PNG

*Unable to create free form collages -- will only create collages based on the shape of the base image

Free Alternatives

Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review

Ashraf  –  12 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+111)

Hey everybody;

I've got this idea for how some of you might use an app like this.

For those of you that have a HERO on deployment or that is about to deploy, give or send them a "Short Timer's Calander" as a special gift that only you can give them.

When I was in Vietnam we all had these Short Timer's Calanders" posted on the walls in our hutches. It consisted of an outline of a "scantly" dressed young woman. Inside this outline were tiles numbered from one to 365 (396 in the case of Marine's and Saliors -they deployed for 13 months instead of 12 months). Everyday the American Hero would shade in one of the tiles. Some did it from 1 to 396 - others from 396 to 1. It was just a neat way of keeping track of how long you had been there or how much longer you had remaining.

I know there are a bunch of you out there will find some negative reason for why this shouldn't be done. WELL, THIS ISN'T FOR YOU. This is for those of you that want to give your hero something only you can give them.

I served in Vietnam for 27 months and a day. I keept mine. I have 2 completed calanders and one partially completed.

There are a bunch of neat things you can do with an app like this (days till graduation, days till your teenager gets his/her license, days left in their grounding) if you'll just put your thinking cap on and do something nice for someone.

Well, so much for my two cents. Thanks to Artensoft and GOTD for the gift, to Giovani and Ashraf for their reviews and input, but most especially to all of you that positively contribute to this project every day. You all make visiting this site a pleasure.

Merry Christmas to all of you.


Marty Cordova  –  12 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+35)

People have different definitions of photo mosaics and collages. Personally, I like the "select a number of viewable pictures from a group and blend them nicely" that you get in Microsoft Research AutoCollage 2008 ($20, free trial, reduced functionality version in Windows Photo Gallery 2012). There are the ones that basically try to fit a bunch of photos to a stencil, I don't like those. There are ones like this that try to recreate a larger image out of a bunch of smaller images. You either have to have zoomable images or posters to appreciate the effect. Artensoft Photo Collage Maker is clever in that it will resize and chop up images into smaller pieces where more detail is required. You have to study and experiment with how it works, the databases are somewhat large and the entire process takes a lot of time. It helps a lot if you have a large number of images that are similar in color to areas of the "master" image. These types of mosaic/collage apps differ primarily in how they tile/blend/overlay images, like I said, Artensoft is somewhat clever but I'm not a big fan of these types of output images, you only appreciate them if you study them closely.

Fubar  –  12 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+31)

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