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PDF Logo Remover 1.0 a fost chilipirul zilei în 26 februarie 2012
V-aţi săturat de fundaluri sau ştampile sâcâitoare ce apar în fişierele PDF? Puteţi şterge cu uşurinţă toate acestea în doar câţiva paşi! PDF Logo Remover resprezintă un mod uşor de îmdepărtare a ştampilelor din fişierele PDF.
Acest instrument oferă o modalitate rapidă şi simplă de înlăturare a imaginilor ataşate în fişierele PDF fără a afecta calitatea vizuală a fişierelor respective. Înlăturaţi ştampilele care vă deranjează şi fundalurile care fac fişierele să pară prea încărcate, economisişi astfel o grămadă de toner când printaţi documente cu multe pagini!
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
7.15 MB
Remove Logo Now! este o aplicaţie unică concepută pentru înlăturarea siglelor nedorite şi imaginile logo de pe fişiere. Programul este complet automat. Asta înseamnă că nu veţi avea nevoie să analizaţi manual video streamurile sau să detectaţi straturile statice, programul va face asta pentru dvs. Cu programul Remove Logo Now! veţi putea procesa rapid şi uşor fişierele video în diferite formate. Printre formatele permise se regăsesc de la binecunoscutele AVI, WMV şi MOV la cele mai puţin întâlnite cum sunt MP4, DVD, MP2, M1V, SWF, M2V, FLV, SVCD şi altele. Veţi putea edita fişierul video în timp ce ştergeţi imaginile logo de pe acesta, cu acest program puteţi schimba rata biţilor pe secundă şi rata cadrelor sau puteţi converti fişierul video în diverse formate.
Advanced Woman Calendar vă permite să programați sau să preveniți o sarcină prin aflarea celei mai fertile perioade din lună, monitorizând ciclul menstrual. Cu acest calendar al ovulației la dispoziție, puteți verifica și printa calendarul celor mai fertile zile din luna și a celor cnsiderate sigure.
Photo Stamp Remover este un instrument de corectare a pozelor care poate înlătura sigle, date, zgârieturi, praf, linii fine, riduri, lacrimi şi orice alte imperfecţiuni nedorite care apar in poze. Oferind o procesare complet automată, acest program folosește o tehnologie inteligentă de restaurare pentru a umple zona selectată cu textură generate de pixeli invecinați zonei selectate, astfel ca defectul să se piardă în restul imaginii în mod natural. Operaţiuni ce durează ore întregi folosind un instrument de clonare pot fi acum efectuate in câteva minute utilizând Photo Stamp Remover.
Batch Picture Resizer este un nou instrument prietenos și oșor de folosit pentru redimensionarea pozelor și ștampilarea acestora. Acest instrument vă permite să redimensionați grupuri mari de poze într-o singură mișcare pentru a putea fi trimise prin email, publicate pe internet sau doar pentru a fi arhivate pe hard disk.
SoftOrbits Flash Recovery este un instrument Flash de recuperare date. Poare recupera datele de pe orice mediu de stocare (stick-uri media, camere digitale, flash drives, UBS, carduri, etc.). Acest instrument recuperează toate pozele virusate sau şterse, documentele, fişierele mp3 şi alte fişiere, chiar şi atunci când un card de menorie a fost reformatat. Puteţi vedea pozele recuperate şi alte documente cu versiunea gratuită. După achiziţionarea programului puteţi salva toate fişierele pe hard drive. 100% rată de succes. Nu este necesar să setaţi nici o opţiune – întreg procesul este automat cu ajutorul unui instrument încorporat.
Comentarii la PDF Logo Remover 1.0
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good for nothing. i made a pdf with pdf xchange and wanted to see their watermark removed with this soft but it did not even touch it. as good as nothing.
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Sometimes I have to wonder just why this type of software even comes into existence in the first place. The only thing I can think of that this type of software would be useful for is to remove copyrights, logos, and other branding symbols from a PDF document, to "re-purpose" it to the advantage of the person doing the modification.
One reason that PDFs originally became so popular as a distribution format was that it's difficult for the "average" person to modify a PDF document and insert/delete content - including said copyright information. Since Adobe Acrobat is prohibitively expensive to begin with, "pirates" won't normally use it to modify documents, and while most "office" software suites now offer the capability of outputting a PDF document, none of them offer the capability of modifying an existing PDF once it's already been created.
Ostensibly, if you need to substantially change the content of a PDF file, then why don't you simply use the same software you used to create the PDF in the first place? The answer most people will give you? They didn't create the document in the first place - they wish to modify it, and they probably don't have the authority to implement the changes they want to make to the document anyway, which under copyright law lies solely at the discretion of the creator of the document!
Whether this software actually works or not is completely moot (irrelevant) to me. There is no legitimate use I can think of for this software, so I won't be downloading it. In anticipation of the responses from those who will likely chide me for taking so much trouble to write about something I don't - or won't - even use, I simply wish to point out why I choose to have nothing to do with it, and I strongly encourage anyone with a single grain of ethics to do the same.
But having said that, I once again thank everyone at GAOTD for all that they do to bring us our daily "software sampler" to "gamma test" for the various developers who really want to put their software thru the wringer!
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This software removes embedded images only. If watermark is part of regular text in the PDF, its impossible to remove using this. Of course, the latter feature may be considered a different kind of "editing", but then why charge 50$?
Frankly, I find the software very vague & its capabilities very vague.
Its much better to use something like the [freeware] Nitro PDF Reader to extract the text & print it using the Nitro PDF Printer.
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Today's giveaway is a very useful software, especially for those geeks like me who work with PDF files almost on a daily basis!!
But... 50 $ for doing just such a task only??? Come on...a professional Security Suite Software is even cheaper nowadays....LOL!!
And anyway, it's possible to remove watermark from PDFs for FREE, as long as you know how to do that, of course....LOL!!
These are the steps to follow...
1) if the PDF to work with is PROTECTED use this excellent FREE tool to unlock it:
2) then convert the (unlocked) PDF doc into an IMAGE file using free online services like ZAMZAR or better yet a great tool like PDFZILLA (hurry up ==> Time Limited Offer):
3) once you have converted the PDF file into an IMAGE you can remove any WATERMARK sitting there using a FREE IMAGE EDITOR like GIMP or IRFANVIEW, just to mention the two most famous ones.
4) after removing watermarks, as described above, you are finally ready to go back again to the original PDF file format, by using this FREE tool designed to flawlessly convert an IMAGE to a PDF file:
And you are done, dudes!!
Cost of the entire operation ==> 0 $/€
50$ for this GAOTD???? Beyond belief....LOL!!
If you instead want to protect your PDF files from online thieves through Copyrights, Security and DRM protection, look no further: PDF OWNER GUARD is the right (FREE) tool for that!!
Enjoy & Prosper (for FREE of course!!!)!!
Giovanni (or "Gio Diabolik", if you prefer that...LOL!!)
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This is an incredibly "simple" piece of software. The utility scans the PDF file you select and identifies all the embedded pictures. You then get the option to "add" (!!??) which pictures to remove. It then processes the PDF, removing those pictures, and saving the edited PDF in an output directory.
It doesnt do anything else. No text editing, no "adding" of your own pictures. Just very basic deletion of exiting embedded pictures. (I did not check all picture formats that it is comprehensive in identifying all picture formats).
Horses for Courses. It has it's uses. Stripping dark pictures out of documents before printing to save ink, for example. Or indeed, removing picture frames or branding (if in picture format) from documents.
I gave it a thumbs up, because it does what it says on the box. But it is overpriced for such a simple feature set. Build in a few more tools, such as very basic manual object deletion or editing (to deal with text boxes), resizing a document (to make it fit on an A4 or letter page), and all object embedding (to ADD your own watermark!), even if just in a default position like header top middle, or footer bottom middle
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