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Partition Manager 10.0 Personal (English) a fost chilipirul zilei în 11 ianuarie 2010
Ofertă specială pentru utilizatorii GAOTD – Partiţionarea Windows 7 şi suport pentru versiunea 64 biţi! Dorim să vă mulţumim pentru că aţi descărcat programul nostru şi pentru că ne-aţi lăsat comentarii şi sugestii preţioase. Părerea dumneavoastră este importantă pentru noi pentru a vă putea oferii cele mai bune servicii posibile. Drept dovadă, Paragon este încântat să vă ofere ceva ce aţi solicitat – Partition Manager 10.0 Personal cu suport pentru cele mai noi sisteme de operare.
Limitări: WinPE nu este inclus în acest pachet, şi nici Virtualization Manager 2009
Suport Tehnic:
Pe durata perioadei giveaway, Paragon Software vă oferă suport tehnic la adresa http://twitter.com/paragonsoftware. Postaţi eventualele întrebări sau nelămuriri apărute în timpul descărcării, înregistrării sau utilizării acestui program software. Echipa de suport tehnic Paragon Software vă va răspunde în cel mai scurt timp posibil.
Windows 7 (x32/x64) / Vista (x32/x64) / 2000 Professional / XP Home Edition / XP Professional / XP Professional SP 2 x64 Edition; CPU: 300 MHz or higher; RAM 256 MB; 100 MB HD space; Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher; SVGA video adapter and monitor
107 MB
Nu aşteptaţi un eventual dezastru să lovească sistemul dumneavoastră – procuraţi un set de recuperare a sistemului şi datelor pentru a vă asigura protecţia computerului! Rescue Kit professionally rezolvă problemele de butare şi deasemenea vă salvează datele atunci când sistemul eşuează butarea. Poate să salveze chiar şi partiţiile şterse. Tot ce trebuie să faceţi pentru a avea un control deplin asupra situaţiei este să scrieţi programul pe un CD/DVD!
Protecţie totală şi facilă a PC-ului. GRATUIT! Salvarea de siguranţă a datelor dumneavoastră este ca o asigurare – nu vă mai faceţi griji atunci când sistemul cedează. Acum nu mai există nici o scuză pentru datele pierdute – această asigurare nu vă costă nimic! Protejaţi-vă sistemul şi datele cu Drive Backup 9.0 Free Edition. Această aplicaţie uşor de utilizat vă salvează întregul sistem atunci când este nevoie şi vă permite apoi să recuperaţi toate fişierele şi întregul sistemul atunci când acesta cedează.
Acum disponibil GRATUIT! CD-ROM Emulator este o utilitate de nădejde pentru crearea şi administrarea CD driverelor şi a discurilor CD/DVD virtuale. Rulează orice imagine disc de pe hard drive ca şi cum acel disk ar fi real. CD-ROM Emulator este aliatul dumneavoastră de încredere pentru rularea celor mai întâlnite formate de imagini CD.
Paragon ExtBrowser este o utilitate Windows care vă permite să lucraţi cu partiţiile Ext2FS sau Ext3FS din Windows. Utilizând mecanismul Windows Name Space Shell Extension, puteţi accesa fişiere ExtFS dintr-un director nelistat din My Computer.
Un pachet cuprinzător pentru a proteja complet, a menţine şi a administra computerul dumneavoastră - Hard Disk Manager vă pune la dispoziţie toate instrumentele de care aveţi nevoie pentru administrarea hard drive-ului, incluzând partiţionarea, salvarea partiţiilor, clonarea, defragmentarea, aranjarea hard drive-ului, administrarea sistemului şi recuperarea acestuia.
Comentarii la Partition Manager 10.0 Personal (English)
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To #1 Sjs: Here is the software’s manual: http://download.paragon-software.com/doc/manual_pm10per_eng.pdf
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In case it helps anyone...
A hard drive, & many USB memory sticks, are formatted with at least 1 partition, but you can divide up the available space by creating additional partitions -- the available space remains the same, so each added partition means all partitions are smaller. Your PC/laptop treats every partition as if it was a separate, individual drive. The 2 main reasons for dividing up a drive into multiple partitions are a) adding another Operating System (so you can boot into your choice), & b) it can make organization & maintenance easier & faster... data or content or software that doesn't change, doesn't need backed up or defragged as frequently, & those operations take less time on remaining partitions because they now hold less data, content, or software.
The main downside to multiple partitions is needing to later on add or allocate more space to one of them. A partition's data itself doesn't have to be re-written, though it does help to have everything at the beginning of the partition when you're trimming the end, as well as you'll want to move that data to the start [front?] of a partition when you enlarge it by making it start earlier on the hard drive. Moving a partition's content around, &/or changing it's boundaries can mean data loss when things go wrong, so ALWAYS have a disc image backup. Besides, having your partitions backed up as disk images, you can restore a backup image to a new or re-sized partition on the original hard drive or another one, giving you some added flexibility when/if you're moving partitions &/or drives around.
Paragon's Partition Manager 10 Personal helps you do all that stuff & more... There are added features for working with partitions, like hiding them for example, though most will never use that sort of thing. Paragon's software also takes a bit of an intelligent approach, often adjusting things when whatever you're doing could make a system un-bootable. For example, if you copy your system partition [the one with Windows you boot from] to another drive, it will set that other drive to boot up rather than the original.
Now, restoring a backup image, or altering a partition normally happen when Windows isn't running -- you can't change things about files, like their location, whilst Windows is using them to run. [Easeus partitioning software can sometimes perform some limited operations with Windows running, but that's the exception rather than the rule] Whenever you have a lot of data to write to disk, it happens MUCH faster when you're running a modern OS. That's what you get with the pro edition of Partition Manager, Drive Backup etc -- you get the WinPE environment to boot into & work from rather than the functional but slooow mini version of Linux included with the Personal or Special editions.
Once you sign up with Paragon, if you opt into their email program you'll receive special offers that make upgrading sometimes a LOT cheaper. Or you can check out LiveXP & similar mini-versions of Windows that you can use instead of Paragon's WinPE environ. You can use more capable [faster disk access] versions of Linux. You can put your bootable, portable OS on a USB stick, which is faster than a CD/DVD. A disk image backup, compressed to ~ 25 GB takes me ~20 - 30 minutes to create on a 2nd, internal hard drive, & that's roughly what it takes to restore that image booting from a USB stick with LiveXP.
For alternatives to today's GOTD, probably (IMHO) the most popular are Easeus Partition Master, Linux GParted, & Acronis [often the free version supplied by hard drive makers like Seagate, & in tandem with something like GParted -- back up partition with Acronis -> use GParted -> restore partition contents with Acronis].
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SJs, it has a learning curve, but you need to backup your software and data (Paragon has a free program to do that, and there are free alternatives as well) because disk repartitioning can sometimes go poorly (happened to me...), but their move/extend partition function should keep your files intact, and shrink/delete the D drive, and extend the C drive. Always back up your drives before this, because it can sometimes not go as planned with partitioning.
GOTD and Paragon, thank you for offering this fabulous software once again. One really happy user :)
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MeanTee, did you notice this passage: "If you are 64bit system user follow the link here."?
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Problem with Wrong Version? (20, 21, etc) See above, There is a SEPARATE 64bit download today. Friends, please read the instruction on this page, and in the Readme, before posting response!
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