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Paragon Migrate OS to SSD Special Edition (English Version) a fost chilipirul zilei în 13 aprilie 2011
Cel mai uşor mod de migrare a sistemului de operare la un nou Solid State Drives! Sunteţi gata să migraţi la Solid State Drives (SSD)? Paragon Migrate OS to SSD este exact ceea ce a veţi nevoie.
Funcţiile intuitive şi la îndemână ale acestui program execută migrarea rapidă şi sigură a sistemului Windows pe un nou dispozitiv de stocare (HDD sau SSD) şi chiar micşorează capacitatea driverelor, datorită capacităţilor avansate de excutare a datelor. Puteţi transfera un sistem activ fără să vă influenţeze munca şi astfel puteţi avea în acelaşi timp partiţiile aliniate dacă este necesar.
Pentru mai multe informaţii despre caracteristicile produsului, modalităţi de funcţionare şi informaţii detaliate despre produs puteţi accesa pagina web a Paragon Migrate OS to SSD.
Pe durata perioadei giveaway, Paragon Software vă oferă suport tehnic la adresa http://twitter.com/paragonsoftware. Postaţi eventualele întrebări sau nelămuriri apărute în timpul descărcării, înregistrării sau utilizării acestui program software. Echipa de suport tehnic Paragon Software vă va răspunde în cel mai scurt timp posibil.
Windows 2k/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ Server 2000/ 2003/ 2008/ XP SP2; 128 MB of RAM; Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
31.8 MB
$ 19.95
Cel mai sigur instrument pentru partiţionarea hard disk-ului! Partiţionarea nu este pentru amatori. De aceea milioane de oameni au încredere de peste 15 ani în tehnologiile noastre sigure şi stabile şi în soluţiile profesionale de software. Cu ajutorul ultimei versiuni 11 puteţi organiza uşor hard disk-ul şi redistribui spaţiul liber pentru a creşte performanţa computerului dvs.
Protecţie totală pentru utilizatori responsabili! Preluaţi controlul complet asupra siguranţei computerului dvs. Bazat pe un backup solid şi pe un software de recuperare date de la Paragon, noul Backup & Recovery 2011(Advanced) Free Edition vă oferă un set bogat de unelte în care puteţi avea încredere.
Nu aşteptaţi un eventual dezastru să lovească sistemul dumneavoastră – procuraţi un set de recuperare a sistemului şi datelor pentru a vă asigura protecţia computerului! Rescue Kit rezolvă în mod profesional problemele de butare şi deasemenea vă salvează datele atunci când sistemul eşuează butarea. Poate să salveze chiar şi partiţiile şterse. Tot ce trebuie să faceţi pentru a avea un control deplin asupra situaţiei este să scrieţi programul pe un CD/DVD!
Comentarii la Paragon Migrate OS to SSD Special Edition (English Version)
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
There are a number of reasons why I wouldn't use this. Only Windows 7 or higher supports TRIM-enabled SSDs, which is the only way that you'll get decent performance from an SSD. Upon installation (not third-party migration) Windows 7 will recognize it's being installed to an SSD and change critical performance settings. It's from Paragon, and I won't use their products because they have failed miserably at recognizing and supporting drives and partitions which other software don't have problems with (proprietary partitions, RAID volumes, USB flash drives).
After a full install of Windows 7 to an SSD, you can move several of the "special" sub-folders to another drive to save room on the SSD at the expense of some performance. The Program Files folders are special protected folders on Vista and higher, cannot be moved (lest people whine, I don't count hacks, if any), and folders with the same name on other drives aren't protected (portable executables are never protected). The automatic per-user virtualization which Vista and higher do for poorly-written programs isn't a "user choice" and doesn't result in any performance penalty (unlike numerous other types of virtualization).
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Hello friends!
Just in case here's the registration link (though it will open from the program just fine):
This time it's a single universal installation file, it will automatically install needed version (32- or 64-bit) to your PC.
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Sorry to have to say this guys, but if you want a long-lasting-bugfree installation on a new system you gonna have to roll up your sleeves and do a fresh install.
You can tell me whatever you want but there's nothing like a fresh install... I am not saying that all software developers sell snake oil but when it comes to OS migration one got to be realistic and face the facts!
Vote negative if you want but mine is a sincere recommendation matured by learning the hard way.
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Hello Andy,
>> 1. What will happen to my existing Windows 7 OS in my laptop?
Win7 will be overwritten
>> 2. Will the laptop have both the OS installed?
>> 3. If the answer is Yes to question 2, how do I choose which OS to use?
To get dual boot system you need a product with more features: Paragon Partition Manager for example. It will allow you to partition laptop disk so that you can have two OSes there and it also has Boot Manager which will allow you to select which OS to boot.
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#3... Andy
With comments censored, this may already be answered before approval.
....If not, providing your SSD is large enough to hold both operating systems, you will need to partition the hard drive and choose to boot one or the other from the bios on boot.
....You can scroll up to other Paragon products and use their Partition Manager 11 Free edition to do this. But I warn you to back up everything before partitioning anything, which you can use Paragon's other product above, Backup & Recovery 2011 (Advanced) Free.
Hope that helps... Dave
PS: Yea, many of us have some questions now and then, that might seem dumb to others. But, I am thinking what goes around, comes around. ;)
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