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MultiStage Recovery 4.0 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — MultiStage Recovery 4.0

MultiStage Recovery is a professional file recovery software for Windows
$49.00 EXPIRAT
Părerea utilizatorilor: 349 2 comentarii

MultiStage Recovery 4.0 a fost chilipirul zilei în 2 octombrie 2009

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Convertiți imagini JPG, PNG, TIFF și BMP în PDFS.

MultiStage Recovery este un program profesional pentru Windows de restaurare şi recuperare a fişierelor şterse. Este conceput să recupereze fişiere de pe hard disk, floppy disk, flash disk, carduri al camerelor digitale şi marea mojoritate a dispozitivelor digitale de stocare. Programul suportă toate fişierele Windows inclusiv /NTFS5, FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/VFAT. Cu un algoritm optimizat şi un inteligent sistem de memorie intermediar încorporat, acest intrument dispune de o scanare rapidă a hard driverelor.

Cea mai importantă caracteristică a programului MultiStage Recovery este aceea că poate găsi tot ce poate fi recuperat. Acest lucru nu se întâmplă în cazul competitorilor MultiStage Recovery ale căror programe afişează fişiere ce nu pot fi recuperate doar pentru a suplini descrierea programului respectiv. Acesta este de obicei cazul programelor competitorilor, când astfel de date sunt deja pierdute sau au fost rescrise, deci nu pot fi recuperate.

Cerinţe minime de sistem:

Windows NT/2000/2003 Server/XP/Vista/Windows 7


Enplase Research

Pagina de pornire:


Dimensiunile fişierului:

2.82 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.
Developed by 3DP
Developed by Baidu, Inc.

Comentarii la MultiStage Recovery 4.0

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ATENTIE:Programul se pare ca dupa Iobit 360 introduce:1 tracking coockie si 10 troieni.Pana la urma tot Recuva ramane ca o alternativa viabila.

Răspunde   |   Ignat Titus  –  15 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (0)

Mic,flexibil,bun,rapid. Imi place.Multumesc. Tradus manualul cu ajutorul browserului Google Chrome >Google Translator,apoi selectie text clic dreapta si copiere intr-un fisier txt in prealabil deschis cu programul Notepad apoi lipire.Nu-ti bati capul cu alte limbi.

Răspunde   |   Doru  –  15 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (0)
Adăugare comentariu
Comentarii de top în engleză

Stunningly, amazingly bad. #2, Grynko Ivan, while it's nice that you're here, my opinion remains the same as when this was offered many revisions ago. I can always spot hopelessly bad coding. My honest advice would be to hire some real programmers or find another line of work, and I'm not saying that to be mean. Says it will upgrade earlier versions, but fails to remove stuff from previous versions. Says it supports Vista, but not Vista-compliant. Vista did an XP SP2 compatibility reinstall. Terrible UI, horribly slow, and as Ashraf mentioned, same as earlier versions, you have to tell it not to list existing files. Says it won't list unrecoverable files, but most that it lists are unrecoverable. Only searches one drive at a time, uses tree view, which I can't stand. Useless Help file. Going up against the free Piriform Recuva, which absolutely stomps it in every respect. Use the Slim or Portable versions from the Builds page. Recuva uses a largely right-click UI. If you use the wizard, the Advanced mode and Options aren't available until after the scan. Don't use Deep Scan unless the regular scan doesn't find what you want (although you're unlikely to find anything recoverable with a Deep Scan). The Recuva UI could use a great deal of improvement, but the program performs well. For more serious recovery, there are other programs such as Active Boot Disk, available from NTFS.com or LSoft.net (ultimately, it's from LSoft; they run multiple websites with different layouts and information, and they have freeware).

Fubar  –  15 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+128)

The Good
* Has different levels of scanning.
* Can preview files before restoring.
* You can restore multiple files at once.
* Can scan internal hard drives, disk images, and external media.
* Has a built in search tool.

The Bad
* OK recovery rate.
* Very slow.
* Set to also show not-deleted files by default.
* Program crashes when trying to scan whole hard drive(s).
* Always starts fully maximized.

Free Alternatives

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Ashraf  –  15 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+106)


Your comments and feedback are welcome at http://multistagerecovery.com/file-recovery/Support.html

Your opinion is very valuable.

Thank you very much!

Grynko Ivan  –  15 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+102)

I recently used this program the last time it was given on an SD camera card for a friend who accidently deleted hundreds of photos. It recovered all of the files as 120 pixel by 160 pixel (Ultra tiny) photos each with a size of exactly 1 megabyte (Huge for the picture size). I then used Recuva and was able to recover 98% of the photos at 1200 pixels by 1600 pixels. I immediately removed MultiStage Recovery from my computer to free up valuable hard drive space.

AEM  –  15 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+57)

In fact I lack the time to really do serious tests on today´s giveaway: I would have to do forensic cloning of hard drives to make a reliable contest. But even the 2nd best way, to get at least a hint on weakness/advanteges of undelete software: undelete from completely outside installed tools which run ONLY in memory (or are REALLY full portable!) and use preview resp. undelete to external media, is too much time for a FAIR short test...
So my conclusion is:
1. dont´t trust too much the results of todays "testers" - they just give hints and tendencies.
2. You should have more than 1 tool on hand for the worst case...

The best in freeware is: Recuva and, less easy to handle, the bundle Testdisk/Photorecovery.
Even expensive packages often failed in a very recent test, done by the most serious german computer nagazine "c´t".
Best excelent results were acomülished by GetData´s Recover My Files.

(german)werwölfchen  –  15 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+37)

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