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MagicScore Note 7 a fost chilipirul zilei în 12 septembrie 2011
Acest program este conceput pentru automatizare simultană a înregistrării notelor muzicale pentru mai multe instrumente (de exemplu: o întreagă orchestră) și pentru a reda muzica pe care ați creat-o.
Cu MagicScore Note puteți crea compoziții magnifice; aveți astfel posibilitatea să lucrați la capacitate maximă.
Windows 98/ Me/ NT/ 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7
11.7 MB
MagicScore Maestro 7 – un program de notare profesional care oferă cele mai avansate posibilităţi de a lucra cu melodiile.Vă permite să daţi tonul cu precizie notelor, sunetelor şi opţiunilor de sincronizare ale acestora, procesează efectele şi dinamica. În acest program puteţi folosi atât seturile generale cât şi cele extinse de simboluri muzicale şi să creaţi deasemenea propriile simboluri, termeni şi acorduri pentru compoziţii complecse ca soluţie specifică sau nestandardizată.
MagicScore Classic este un program excelent, redutabil şi rentabil de editare muzicală pentru profesionişti. Avantajele MagicScore: interfaţă uşor de folosit pentru un set de partiţii, diverse variante ale rezultatului final cu ajutorul tastaturii virtuale, dispozitive externe MIDI şi un set bogat de simboluri muzicale. Formarea automată şi manuală a partiţilor. Reproducerea şi protejarea partiţilor. Salvare în format MIDI. Citire a formatului MIDI.
SharpEye 2.68 - cel mai bun program de scanat muzică! Scanaţi muzică cu ajutorul programului nostru recomandat de scanare a muzicii SharpEye. Puteţi utiliza SharpEye pentru a scana şi converti partituri printate într-un fişier de notaţie muzicală sau un fişier MIDI care poate fi apoi importat într-un program de notare muzicală sau un ondulator MIDI. Acest proces este numit OCR muzical prin analogie cu programe mult mai cunoscute, ca text ORC. SharpEye 2 oferă supot pentru fişiere MIDI, NIFF şi MusicXML care pot fi deschise de diverse programe de notaţii muzicale şi de coordonare.
Music Notation for MS Word vă permite să înglobaţi rapid şi uşor partituri în documente Microsoft Word. Acest produs combină toate caracteristicile redutabile ale MagicScore Maestro 6, unul dintre cele mai avansate produse de notaţii muzicale, cu opţiuni avansate de editare, permiţându-vă să creaţi publicaţii minunate, articole, broşuri sau tutoriale complete cu notaţii muzicale; puteţi trimite oricui documente Word cu partituri muzicale, chiar dacă persoana căreia îi trimiteţi nu are instalat programul Music Notation.
I had my wife look at this one as she is a music teacher and uses Finale Notepad and Finale Songwriter daily preparing arrangements, compositions and transcriptions. She took a look at their website descriptions and thinks their $19.95 price is fair for this Note 7 version but it is nowhere near the professional quality of Finale. Their website claims toptenreview first place gold award but it looks like they got a third place bronze award. Which is certainly very good but no cigar as advertised and the review was for their $99 Mastero 7 version not the Note 7 version offered today. She thinks this would be great software for the hobbyist but not the best choice for more serious professional musicians and believes that it would have been much better had they offered their Mastero 7 version to GAOTD. Her comments are based only on a review of the website descriptions/screenshots and toptenreview comments as she does not want me to download this GAOTD for her. Just thought I would pass her comments along. Thanks GOTD and DG Software.
The free alternative - MuseScore (http://musescore.org/) runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS, has more friendly input interface and it's an opensource!
It would be nice if this site still used its Publisher link as a link to previous offerings by the same software publisher, when applicable. It can be helpful to see comments from prior postings as these sometimes tell of any issues with the software.
Here's a link to the last time this software was offered:
The version offered today is 7.285 (previous 7.084.
For those looking for a key, there is no key. Once you install the software, close it, and run the Activation. When you open the software and click About, you will see that it is Licensed to Giveawayoftheday. If you had the previous version, you may not need to run Activate as was my case.
Loaded,ran setup and then activated with no problems on Win 7 32 bit. Many samples are included in the Magicscore directory. Works with the existing sound card and speakers. I then connected my MIDI keyboard, Magicscore detected it. I selected one of the included samples and it worked. Then I selected one my MIDI files and it loaded and displayed the score and played it on my MIDI keyboard. It also reads from your MIDI keyboard to the Magicscore software. I have only used it for a short time this morning but it looks like the real deal. If you want to listen to MIDI's, write music or modify your existing MIDI files download this giveaway and give it a try. FYI I have dual monitors and the program opens in my left monitor (number 2) for some reason, my right monitor is number one, not a big deal. The homepage has more information about the software. Looks like a winner. Thanks GOTD and DG Software.
The decription above doesn't tell much.
The Homepage doesn't tell about functions of "MagicScore Note" or differences to other variants. They tell it costs $19.95 compared to the best variant MagicScore Maestro 7.x for $79.95. It seams to be a very restricted special version for GOTD-users sort of appetizer.
As prizes for MagicScore Score(MIDI) To WAV Converter (2.01 MB) and MagicScore Virtual Piano (4.4 MB) perhaps they are free to use.
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