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LangoMax Adult Advantage a fost chilipirul zilei în 3 aprilie 2012
LangoMax Adult Advantage vă permite să dobândiţi vocabularul de care aveţi nevoie pentru a reuşi în plan personal şi profesional.
LangoMax Adult Advantage utilizează tehnologii avansate de predare pentru a face procesul de învăţare mai mult decât învăţarea după niste simple cartonaşe flash sau soluţii centrate pe studiul din cărţi.
Exprimaţi-vă clar ideile şi transmiteţi încredere studenţilor dvs. Câştigaţi încredere în forţele proprii atunci când transmiteţi ideile dvs. cu claritate.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7
52.4 MB
Conceput pentru copii între 10 şi 13 ani, LangoMax Early Advantage ajută copii dvs. să-şi îmbunătăţească rapid vocabularul şi cultura generală. Pentru că timpul petrecut citind cărţi s-a diminuat, iar cel petrecut în faţa computerului este în continuă creştere, oferiţi-i copilului dvs. instrumentele necesare pentru succesul academic în mediul cu care sunt obişnuiţi.
Treceţi cu brio examenele SAT şi ACT cu ajutprul programului LangoMax SAT and ACT Prep. Obţineţi scorurile verbale SAT/ACT de care aveţi nevoie. Cu o tehnologie de învăţare ce se adaptează perfect, Langomax se axează pe cuvintele necunoscute. Comparativ cu programele alternativele existente, Langomax este un mod eficient de a lărgi vocabularul într-o perioadă scurtă de timp şi se axează pe cele mai frecvent testate cuvinte la examenele SAT şi ACT.
Treceţi cu brio examenul TOEIC cu ajutprul programului inovator LangoMax TOEIC Prep. Îmbunătăţiţi-vă rapid vocabularul şi obţineţi scorul dorit la examenul TOEIC. LangoMax TOEIC Prep vă ajută să obţineţi un notă mare la examenul TOEIC oferindu-vă vocabularul esenţial de care aveţi nevoie pentru a reuşi să stăpâniţi secţiunile de citire, ascultare, vorbire şi scriere a testului. Cu o tehnologie de învăţare ce se adaptează perfect, Langomax se axează pe cuvintele care nu fac parte încă din vocabularul dvs.
Treceţi cu brio examenul TOEFL cu ajutprul programului inovativ LangoMax TOEFL Prep. Îmbunătăţiţi-vă rapid vocabularul şi obţineţi scorul TOEFL dorit. LangoMax TOEFL Prep vă ajută să obţineţi cu siguranţă nota dorită la examenul TEOFL, oferindu-vă un vocabular esenţial necesar pentru a face faţă cu succes secţiunilor de citire, ascultare, vorbire şi scriere. Cu o tehnologie adaptată perfect, LangoMax se axează pe cuvintele care nu fac parte încă din vocabularul dvs.
Comentarii la LangoMax Adult Advantage
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Anyone who thinks they can pass exams just from a few hours interacting with a computer programme probably needs to have their head examined.
If the developers had pitched this as something a bit less ambitious, I might find it more attactrive.
As for calling it "Adult Advantage" -- it sounds like a season ticket to a porn site.... You just might want to change that...
Even so, I rather doubt the programme offers anything to make it worth giving it HD-room, frankly.
Although I'm happy to be proved wrong -- if I see loads of positive comments, I will re-visit the idea of installation. But unfortunately, GAOTD has been serving up a few clunkers in a row recently, so I am a little more circumspect about installing stuff that might just take up valuable HD room and registry space.
Sorry if this sounds a little critical, and I'll probably get voted down for this, but this is something that PROBABLY needs to be said -- if only for the message that the "votes" will send to GAOTD -- if more than a few people agree with me.
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In order to teach English it is necessary to understand English, and it is evident that whoever designed this programme fell short in that respect. In a brief trial I have looked at a series of definitions, many of which were inaccurate or excessively vague, and encountered one spelling mistake. It appears that this programme is intended to teach USA "English" rather than UK English, and it would be desirable for the fact to be specified. It would also be helpful for it to be made clear that this is intended as a "teach yourself" system.
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1. This program needs your email to start! You need to create new user profile in the program and you CAN'T start the program without giving an email address.
2. The program needs AdobeAir to work. It installs it, but its outdated version already (it updates itself right after installation).
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@10: The use of the word "their" is to indicate possessive. The sentence states that the "vocabulary and literacy" belong to the child and that those two subjects will "rapidly improve". The English presented in that statement is grammatically correct.
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Hoping for some pr0n software, I was disappointed quickly ; > Still, I went on.
Been clicking the multiple choice test for some time. I'm not a native English speaker.
Difficulty was from 'easy' to 'hmmm... strange, what would this be?'
I'm now 'stuck' at the following example...
"The molten MAGMA burned the soles of his feet."2
* Flash
* Plain
* Slag
* Hill
* Conclusion
To me, this makes no sense. So I started The Google. And there's an answer indeed ; p2
Software seems solid. Looks professional, nice gray / red look.
The program REQUIRES registration with a valid email address. Without registration, you cannot run the tests.2
Besides Multiple Choice testing, you also get Column Matching, Flash Card, Definition Recognition.
There is also a Progress tab. Here you can see your total results and the results per category. My total was surprisingly low after 5 minutes of clicking: 84%. So good learning opportunity indeed.
I can imagine tough that one gets bored after a while. There's no feedback while you are testing, so it quicly turns into click-click-click-click. Fun for a while, as long as you encounter strange words like slag ; )
The program's simplicity makes it suitable for youngsters learning English too - but it's business look-and-feel might not appeal too much.
All in all: decent software, with what seems a huge vocabulary set. The point is not to learn you really difficult, strange words. More it intends to offer you alternative, less blase wordings. Because it's an English-only software, this works very well. English almost always has another (more French) way of phrasing.
More information heer: http://www.langomax.com/adult-advantage/2
One might not see it at first glance, but a lot of research went into this dataset. Keeper and thank you, GOTD.
~~~ notemail@facebook.com ~~~
Cuisvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore persevare
All spelling mistakes are my own and may only be distributed under the GNU General Public License! – (© 95-1 by Coredump; 2-012 by DevNullius)
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