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iResizer Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — iResizer

iResizer is a handy way to resize images non uniformly while preserving the key features of the picture.
$39.99 EXPIRAT
Părerea utilizatorilor: 521 0 comentarii

iResizer a fost chilipirul zilei în 10 martie 2011

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iResizer scalează o imagine fără să schimbe conţinutul vizual important, cum ar fi oameni, clădiri, animale, etc. În timp ce redimensionarea obişnuită efectează pixeli neuniform atunci când scalăm imaginea, iResizer afectează doar zonele care nu au importanţă vizuală mare.

iResizer vă permite să ajustaţi sau să măriţi imaginile pentru a îmbunătăţii compoziţia, pentru a încadra imaginea într-un şablon sau pentru a schimba orientarea pozei. O modalitate la îndemână de redimensionare a imaginilor neuniform în timp ce se păstrează elementele cheie ale pozei.

Puteţi marca elementele importante în imagine utilizând markerul verde, această tehnică este la îndemână dacă aveţi zone ale imaginii pe care doriţi să le păstraţi în defavoarea altora şi poate fi utilizată deasemenea şi pentru a proteja oamenii în imagini. Puteţi deasemena să utilizaţi markerul roşu pentru a selecta anumite caracteristici ale imaginii pe care doriţi sa le ştergeţi.

Puteţi vedea un ghid video aici.

Cerinţe minime de sistem:

Windows 2000 and higher; 2000 MHz processor; 256 MB RAM



Pagina de pornire:


Dimensiunile fişierului:

3.10 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by CyberLink Corp.
Developed by PhotoInstrument
Create, manage, copy and edit custom images.
Developed by Mirillis Ltd.

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As it states, the concept of iResizer is to preserve key features within a photograph when enlarging it or when scaling it down - by painting upon or around the subject you wish to retain. It does seem to work quite well ( see their video http://www.iresizer.com/video-guide.html ) and could prove quite useful so it may be worth adding to your collection of picture "touch-up" programs via GOTD.
If you don't have Photoshop CS4/Cs5 (content aware resizer) then try
Image Resize Guide Lite - http://tintguide.com/en/imageresize.html .

Slightly off topic - The other day GOTD offered us Image Assistant but for those who who required something deeper than the easy-to-use Image Assistant or add to the usual Irfanview, XnView etc, then perhaps you could try some of the following:
For noise reduction etc. in photos, I'd recommend HeliconFilter4.93, http://www.heliconsoft.com/filter_downloads.html (learning curve is not too steep and a good Help guide is provided within - but it will probably take a little time for those new to photo manipulation to master but it's worth it) also try their HeliconPhotoSafe) which is an excellent piece of software as is NDNoise which is available for both Linux & Win as well as Mac, and for those who require noise plugin for Photoshop, Infranview, XnView, Paint Shop Pro etc., then perhaps give .http://www.ximagic.com/d_index.html a go or try the free version of Neat Image.
For those who dabble with drawing/paint programs then you may be interested in an all round free editing/drawing suite called Chasys Draw IES Artist which can be downloaded from http://download.cnet.com/Chasys-Draw-IES/3000-2192_4-10909426.html.
Hope this helps someone.

Struan  –  13 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+139)

Funny little app. I'll have to do some more experimenting to see how useful it really can be for me. A few things that struck me so far.

- An erase button would be nice to undo accidental marking of an area.
- I expected to see image info in the status bar which isn't used at all.
- No numerical value of pixel width is indicated when changing the paint tool size with the slider. A few buttons with preset widths/shapes would be useful too.
- The quality setting while saving does not show a numerical value. I'd prefer it if it does.
- It wants to save a PNG (and any supported image format I expect) as a JPG by default although it does save it as a PNG once you change the extension. Changing the output by changing the extension is not ideal. Better have an 'Options' button with a window behind it where you can select image format and compression setting and whatever else would be convenient.

All in all not too bad for a version 1.0 but keep working on it.

Ben  –  13 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+37)

Google "Seam Carving" & you'll get hits for for this Wikipedia article: http://goo.gl/dmgtF along with sites offering apps, info on projects etc... Seam Carving tries to figure out what's important in an image (still or video), so that when the image is re-sized, the most important parts of the picture don't look distorted. Often examples will feature beach scenes, because as backgrounds all that sand & sky & water are ideal -- you can tell if a tree's too fat or skinny because you know what trees look like, but with a more-or-less featureless beach scene you, the viewer have no frames of reference to tell if the image has been altered or not. Originally thought of [& still pursued] as a way to shrink still images & video to fit smaller cell phone displays, screens that also may have a different aspect ratio than TVs & monitors, Seam Carving can also be used when you want to eliminate objects in a scene -- once you distinguish foreground objects from the background, you can stretch [&/or clone] the background to fill in the blanks, fill in the spaces where those foreground objects are now. Apps using Seam Carving can be written to use your hints in figuring out what's important, & that's where highlighting parts of an image that you want protected during a re-size come in. Object removal OTOH is trickier, because the background to be stretched [&/or cloned] isn't always the same [or even similar] on all sides of the object(s) you want to get rid of.

That said, Seam Carving is the process &/or theory to figure out what in an image is visually most important, is still new & evolving, & there's room for innovation, both implementing Seam Carving & manipulating an image once you've used Seam Carving to analyze it... as you'd expect, some apps or plug-ins may work better than others, & how well they work individually can depend on what you give them to work with & what you ask them to do. IMHO it's both impractical & unfair [to yourself & the dev] to say Seam Carving is Seam Carving so every app/plug-in using it must be the same. Maybe iResizer is better, maybe it's not, but there's only one way to tell, & that's to try it.

Totally FWIW I have several video, audio, & graphics apps, & when I don't like the results in 1, when I feel that they could be better I'll run a test in another app, & another etc. until I've gotten what I want -- or run out of apps. ;-)

mike  –  13 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+36)

This is a nice little app, but if you want to "discard" objects in your photo, it only works if you are shrinking the photo. If you enlarge the photo, the "discard" function (where you paint the object in red) does not work. If you want a more full "discard" function you need to also use InPaint (or an equivalent type app.)

Would be far more useful if this app was combined with InPaint so you could have easy access to the best of both in one app.

It would also be more helpful if after you resize your photo and decide to undo and try different parameters (change the height or width) the app would retain the objects/areas you had already highlighted in green (for protection) and red (for discarding.)

While it is not free, folks may want to check out....


and compare it with iResizer and InPaint.

Currently, I'd rather go with the Image Resize Guide for $45 than iResizer for free.

Your mileage may indeed vary.

Louis  –  13 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+29)

Interesting piece of software. When I first read the description and looked at the home page, I rather blew it off as - how silly, if I want to crop a photo and resize it, that's what I'll do. I know that if you change ratio of width/height it will make the picture look odd, at least compared to the original.

The first example on the video tutorial gave me the same impression. It looks like the process just does an auto crop keeping the part you highlight. Bleaaaaau, what a waste.

BUT! the second video example gave a different view. Highlight a bit in the middle in red and it auto-magically resizes the picture by taking out the red-highlighted sections stitching together other bits around it. Wow.

Yes, my photoshop and other digital imaging skills haven't extended into that arena, so it has impressed me. I think the home page and verbal description should better highlight this aspect of the resizing. Otherwise, folks like me who don't really pay attention to all the details (and constantly lose in the spot the differences in the 2 photos and rarely find Waldo), will not even look at the program.

A side point - it installed quickly and easily on my Win 7 64 Professional. The activation however was not at all smooth. At first I thought the problem was interference by Norton Internet Security as with some of the GAOTD offerings year or so ago. I turned off the AV, then the Firewall, then both (yikes!!!) and still not activation. Tryng to reach this site gave me "Error 502 Bad gateway." THis lasted for several minutes. After the site was reachable, activation was easy with both AV and firewall in place.

Thanks to the developer and GAOTD!

Thaibird  –  13 years ago  –  A fost util acest comentariu? da | nu (+29)

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