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Paragon Disk Wiper Personal oferă acum suport pentru cel mai noi sisteme de operare cât şi pentru orice hard disk sau memorie flash!
Datele personale pot fi prea uşor recuperate de pe hard disk atunci când vă bazaţi pe opţiunea standard de ştergere a datelor sau pe cea de formatare a hard disk-ului. Asiguraţi-vă că nimeni nu poate ajunge la datele pe care le credeaţi şterse! Ştergeţi datele stocate pe hard disk în siguranţă cu Paragon Disk Wiper Personal.
Paragon Disk Wiper poate şterge complet întregul hard disk, o partiţie anume sau poate doar să cureţe spaţiul liber.
Informaţii detaliate despre produs sunt disponibile în pagina web aDisk Wiper 10
Suport tehnic:
În perioada Giveaway, Paragon Software vă pune la dispoziţie suport tehnic la http://twitter.com/paragonsoftware. Vă rugăm să ne adresaţi întrebările dvs. dacă întâmpinaţi dificultăţi în timpul descărcării, înregistrării sau utilizării programului. Echipa de suport Paragon Software vă va răspunde în cel mai scurt timp posibil.
CPU: 300 MHz or higher; RAM: 256 MB; Disk space: 120 Mb; Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
84.1 MB
Programul este disponibil pentru $29.95, dar câștigătorii concursului nostru îl vor primi gratuit.
Pur şi simplu cea mai redutabilă soluţie GRATUITĂ pentru salvarea datelor! Preluaţi controlul complet în ceea ce priveşte siguranţa PC-ului dvs. Bazat pe un program comercial de la Paragon de creare a copiilor de siguranţă şi recuperare date, noua ediţie Backup & Recovery 10 Free Edition vă oferă o gamă largă de caracteristici pe care vă puteţi baza. Salvarea de siguranţă pentru oameni inteligenţi, Backup & Recovery este o soluţie inteligentă de salvare a datelor.
Partiţionarea nu este o joacă de copil – este nevoie de stabilitate şi de un nivel avansat de tehnologie, noi dezvoltăm soluţii de administrare a partiţiilor de peste 15 ani şi oferim unul dintre cele mai stabile instrumente de partiţionare! Cu Express Edition vă puteţi organiza uşor hard discul şi puteţi redistribui spaţiul liber.
Nu aşteptaţi un eventual dezastru să lovească sistemul dumneavoastră – procuraţi un set de recuperare a sistemului şi datelor pentru a vă asigura protecţia computerului! Rescue Kit professionally rezolvă problemele de butare şi deasemenea vă salvează datele atunci când sistemul eşuează butarea. Poate să salveze chiar şi partiţiile şterse. Tot ce trebuie să faceţi pentru a avea un control deplin asupra situaţiei este să scrieţi programul pe un CD/DVD!
Comentarii la Disk Wiper 2010 Personal (English Version)
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Free software to wipe a hard disk is nothing new. Personally there isn't a lot on my hard disk that would require Department of Defence level privacy, but as with most software it really does come down to personal choice (or how badly you need to CYA). I guess if some secret agency became aware of my plans for world domination - they would probably steal my computer before I had decided to erase everything and throw the hard drive into an active volcano.
Normally this would be a disastrous bug or defect, but in this case wiping your hard drive beyond all hope of recovery is actually the intended outcome.
Here are some other Free programs that will help you kiss your data bye-bye.
Some may say Paragons 84.1 MB is a bit bloated and overweight for what should be a simple and lightweight program.
File & Free Space Wipers
(Good for wiping data/files or "clear space" on a hard disk partition while leaving other data/files on the drive/partition untouched)
1. Disk Redactor (383 KB)
2. Eraser (9.3 MB)
Wipe entire drives & partitions
(Typical use - before disposal of a drive to ensure there is no recoverable data left on the drive).
1. Disk Wipe (1.04 MB)
2. Active@ Kill Disk (4.24 MB CD ISO)
3. DBAN (5.5 MB)
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The Good
* Straightforward and fairly easy to use.
* Can wipe whole disks or select partitions.
* Can wipe internal or external hard drives.
* Can wipe unused space.
* Allows user to define custom wipe algorithm.
* Allows user to create a bootable CD/DVD or bootable USB/flash drive to use Disk Wiper without having to load into Windows.
* Comes with basic partition management tools.
The Bad
* Refuses to wipe my USB/flash drive.
* You are limited to using either Paragon's secure wiping algorithm, or defining your own - you have no other choices to use other popular and time tested algorithms.
* When selecting what hard drive or partition to wipe, if you want to select a partition and the partition size is small seeing what partition it is is very difficult.
Free Alternatives
East-Tec Eraser 2008
For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.
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Some flash disks don't have MBR entry, and Disk Wiper can work only with disks having MBR.
The solution is very simple: use Disk Wiper's feature "Update MBR" on flash disk, it will write standard code to MBR. Now Disk Wiper can wipe this flash drive.
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* Successful download/installation/activation/registration on Vista Home Premium x64 SP2 OS (be sure to use GOTD 64-bit download link).
* Improved 64-support: No need to do manual re-boot for operations that don't complete. Program will auto re-boot to special mode to finish operation.
* Smooth program access without needing to use Admin Mode.
* Pleasant, simple-to-understand, easy-to-navigate GUI.
* Help Guidance located within program.
* Provides support for GUID partition table.
* Provides support for latest linux kernel.
* Provides integratioon of linux/DOS wiping media directly to installation package.
* Smooth, easy, quick, successful program operation.
* Provides context menu hint system for all program functions.
* Provides "save to scheduler" feature.
* Provides "check recovery disc" feature.
* Provides "virtual mode" operation to allow for rollback of select or all process changes.
* allows user to enable 64 KB clusters for FAT16
* allows user to ask for volume label before doing partition deletee.
* allows user to ask for confirmation before converting from FAT16 to FAT32.
* provides detailed explanation of wipe-method algorithm.
* allows user to enable data loss protection in case of system crash.
* User must go to developer website to manually ask for serial number (via completing name & e-mail information) to get registration codes.
* Installation process is not as straightforward as it could be. The intial setup.exe executable installs the actual installer onto the user's "C" Drive. User must then find/access the installer to complete installation process.
* Program's process options and choices can be a bit overwhelming for first-time (novice) users.
* No technical support contact information located within program.
SUMMARY: - Program efficiently and successfull does what it says it will do. Definite keeper for me. Thanks, GOTD and Paragon.
100% Freeware Option:
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84MB for an advanced delete/format?!? How ridiculous is that?!
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