10 ianuarie 2013
Paragon Drive Copy 12 Compact performs any migration, no matter the source or target.
14 noiembrie 2012
Paragon Backup and Recovery 12 Compact is a simple and powerful backup and recovery solution to secure stand-alone Windows desktops and laptops.
17 octombrie 2012
Paragon Software's advanced partitioning tools help you completely control and manage your hard disks!
22 august 2012
Paragon System Backup is easy to use and highly automated: out-of-the-box automation for scheduled background protection of your complete system and data.
18 iulie 2012
Paragon Drive Copy 11 Professional performs any migration, no matter the source or target.
20 iunie 2012
Paragon Backup and Recovery 11 Compact is a simple and powerful backup and recovery solution to secure stand-alone Windows desktops and laptops.
23 mai 2012
Enjoy the benefits of virtualization without being too technical with Paragon Virtualization Manager 12 Compact!
25 aprilie 2012
Paragon Migrate OS to SSD 2.0 este cel mai uşor mod de migrare către noul Solid State Drives!
14 martie 2012
Asigurați-vă că nimeni nu poate recupera datele șterse de dvs.! Ștergeți datele de pe hard disk în mod sigur cu Paragon Disk Wiper Personal.
21 februarie 2012
Ediţie specială Paragon Drive Copy 11 Professional. Poate efectua orice operaţie de migrare, indiferent de sursă sau sistemul pe care se migrează.