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Batch Picture Protector 4.1 a fost chilipirul zilei în 11 septembrie 2014
Vreți să știți cum să puneți ștampile watermark transparente pe pozele dvs.? Batch Picture Protector este soluția ideală pentru dvs. Acesta poate adăuga ștampile pe pozele dvs. și operele de artă prin adăugarea ștampilelor watermark vizuale care pot combina text, ilustrații și logo-uri.
Acest program este foarte folositor designerilor, artiștilor care trimit opere de artă clienților pentru evaluare. Cei care postează poze pe internet pot de asemenea să-și asigure drepturile de autor folosind acest program de adăugare ștampile watermark. Prin utilizarea acestui program, imaginile digitale pot fi protejate eficient de utilizarea ilegală. Această utilitate plasează ștampile watermark vizibile care nu pot fi înlăturate.
Achiziționați o licență personală nelimitată (cu suport și actualizări) cu 70% reducere!
Windows 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP/ NT/ 2000; Windows Server 2003/ SBS 2003
12.3 MB
Linia de produse SoftOrbits Digital Photo Suite vă pune la dispoziţie soluţii pentru datele dvs. în ceea ce priveşte retușarea, redimensionarea, conversia, protecţia şi publicarea pozelor dvs. digitale. Achiziționați o licență personală cu 70% reducere.
Photo Stamp Remover este un instrument de corectare a pozelor care poate înlătura sigle, data din poze şi orice alte imperfecţiuni nedorite care apar în poze. Oferind o procesare complet automată, acest program foloseşte o tehnologie inteligentă de restaurare pentru a umple zona selectată cu textură generate de pixeli învecinaţi zonei selectate, astfel ca defectul să se piardă în restul imaginii în mod natural. Achiziționați o licență personală cu 70% reducere.
SoftOrbits Flash Drive Recovery is a data recovery utility. It can restore data from any type of storage media (music sticks, USB drives, PC cards, flash drives, digital cameras, etc). This software recovers all corrupted and deleted documents, photos, mp3 and other files even if a memory card was re-formatted. You can preview recovered photos and other documents with the free trial version. You do not need to set any restoration options — the entire process is done automatically with a built-in data recovery wizard. Purchase a personal license at 70% discount.
Batch Picture Resizer este un program de redimensionare a pozelor absolut necesar şi extrem de folositor celor care lucrează cu poze digitale. Mulți utilizatori folosesc programe complexe şi scumpe de editare foto doar pentru a redimensiona pozele şi pentru alte operaţii simple şi asta pentru că nu ştiu că există o opţiune mult mai ieftină, mai rapidă şi mai eficientă. De altfel, redimensionarea pozelor una câte una este o mare pierdere de timp, mai ales atunci când aveţi o duzină de poze, nemaipunând la socoteală miile de poze care necesită convertire. Achiziționați o licență personală cu 70% reducere.
Do you want to know how to watermark photos with transparent watermark? Batch Picture Protector is a right solution for you. It can watermark photos and artworks by adding visual watermarks that can combine text, illustrations and logos. This watermark software is very useful to designers, artists who send artworks to customers for evaluation. Those who publish pictures on internet can also copyright photos using this watermark maker. By using this software, digital photos can be effectively protected from illegal use. This photo watermark utility places visible watermarks that cannot be removed. Purchase a personal license at 70% discount.
Comentarii la Batch Picture Protector 4.1
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.2 Pro 64 bit system.
The registration thanks in the name of “Sketch Drawer”.
A Russian company with address&phone. We had had several software from this company.
It has some logic, that a company offering software like the GAOTD on July 30th:
Photo Stamp Remover is a photo correction utility that can remove watermarks, date stamps and other unwanted objects that appear on photographs.
as today:
Those who publish pictures on internet can also copyright photos using this watermark maker. By using this software, digital photos can be effectively protected from illegal use. This photo watermark utility places visible watermarks that cannot be removed.
We'll see...
I selected a picture (yes, a pizza), put in a watermark with "glow" and "shadow", transparency 75 and started.
This is the simple result:
Nothing special, works as every "watermarker"...
I downloaded once again their "Photo Stamp Remover" and removed the stamp:
This is the result:
Well, the claim, that their watermarks "This photo watermark software places permanent watermarks that cannot be removed." is simply plain wrong. It can be removed with every "remove unwanted objects software" (good or bad depending on your skills). There are no tricks to make their visible watermarks with this software "unremovable".
Of course exists software with other ways to digitally sign a picture, but this is another story.
Uninstalled via reboot. I don't need this either.
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a clean interface that lets you preview the output of your work
enable to create as many watermark samples as want
watermarks are also very easy to edit
work with various many file formats
can save watermarks and easily load them for future use.
Cannot/does not resize text watermarks relative to the size of image being watermarked.
Always has default images and watermarks loaded whenever user runs the program.
All in all, All in all, Batch Picture Protector is a nice, simple-to-use app, with a clean interface that can help you protect your pictures against unauthorized usage. The program is intuitive and should be easy to understand even by the less-experienced users.
BlazePhoto @ http://www.discountandfree.net/discount/blaze-photo-editor
Aoao Watermark for Photo @ http://www.aoaophoto.com
TSR Watermark Image @ https://www.watermark-image.com
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Installed and registered on WIN7-64bit without any problems.
Works well in batch mode, it's compatible with all major image formats such as JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF. Support load/save personal logo or watermark. Transparent watermarks with customizable text and images. In short, you can keep this tool if you have and hold a need.
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#5 "It allways installs SoftOrbis Updater" - this is not a true, it seams that you mix up something.
Our software does not install any updateres. Each program just reminds you about new version, you can easisly turn this off in program's options.
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#1 "Cannot/does not resize text watermarks relative to the size of image being watermarked."
Program has this feature, see the "Keep same size for all pictures" option for text watermark and the "xx% of Source image" for logo image watermarks.
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