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Audials Radiotracker 8 Standard a fost chilipirul zilei în 4 iulie 2011
Știți ce muzică vă place. Audials Radiotracker vine cu stațiile radio. Toate hiturile și vedetele, toate genurile și toate posturile de radio. Este muzica dvs. – legal, gratuit și rapid!
Tehnologia revolutionară Audials Radiotracker descarcă automat melodiile dvs. în mai putin de un minut, transformându-le in cel mai popular, accesorizat și bine vândut program de web radio atât în mediul online cât și în magazine.
Fără înregistrare, fără taxe ascunse, doar muzică perfect editată în magazinul de muzică și, datorită înregistrărilor gratuite, legale și în timp real de pe stațiile online de radio, nu există protecție de copiere!
Playerul Audials Radiotracker vă permite să ascultați stații radio online, să redați muzică, să scrieți CD/DVD-uri sau să trasnferați fișiere pe un MP3 player. Audials Radiotracker găsește taguri ID3, CD artwork și versuri și vă permite să organizați și să administrați ușor colecțiile de muzică. Generatorul pentru sunete de apel vă permite să creați gratuit sunete de apel pentru telefonul mobil din melodiile descărcate de pe internet.
Windows 7/ Vista/ XP at least SP2; 1 GHz CPU; 1 GB HD space; 1 GB RAM; DSL internet access
74.1 MB
Găsiți, înregistrați, descărcați, convertiți și bucurați-vă de muzică, filme, video și radio pe internet. Audials One vă pune la dispoziție toate instrumentele media dorite, gratuit și în formatul potrivit. Audials One vă oferă muzică 24 de ore din 24. Trebuie doar să introduceți orice gen, artist, album sau orice titlu, iar Audials One va găsi instant muzica dorită.
Înregistrați, convertiți legal și bucurați-vă de muzică, filme și DVD cu protecție de copiere.
Comentarii la Audials Radiotracker 8 Standard
Please add a comment explaining the reason behind your vote.
Audials Radiotrackers was a huge slow install which proved to be a large waste of time. After playing with it for 10 minutes, I lost patience with its clunky, non-intuitive user interface and its US-centric offerings. The final straw after struggling with the (astonishingly poorly designed) genre search feature was discovering that the wishlist it generated "could not be used in this edition" - today's GOTD is not the full commercial product, it's demo-ware!
Incidentally, why does a software house based in Romania with an international customer base give such a strong impression that the designers are oblivious to non-American music and podcasts? And why is the English language interface plastered with dozens of American flags? It's irritating to say the least.
Getting rid of Audials Radiotracker was a real pain. Even though it demands a reboot to uninstall, it doesn't do the job properly. It leaves behind numerous folders inside My Music, My Videos, over 50Mb of data in Application Data (with folders both All Users and your personal folder) and about 65 registry entries. I spent more time cleaning up all this mess than I had installing it in this first place. Oh well, at least it doesn't seem to have broken anything.
Sorry to be so surly but I can't quite bring myself to say thanks for this one.
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Hi, first of all - Happy 4th of July to All GAOTD American Supporters and Experts. Your Help here is greatly appreciated!, You would be perfectly excused if You were taking it easy today:)
Having said that - we would gladly see Your points of view on Today's Giveaway. My experience with Radiotracker8 SO FAR is very similar to Julia's #6..
I too wondered what "Standard" stood for, but when installing it to USB Drive (too large for my C:) - 2 Options appeared giving impression it was EITHER Standard, OR - USB. That off course proved to be misleading. "Standard" becomes obvious when you see "Buy now" button for "letting you use all the functions completely"(?).
Wish-List is the first "casualty" of Standard Ed. I will not go into pricing of all RapidSolution Software, but when visiting their Site before downloading today's Giveaway I checked it out too, hmm.
Installing and emptying the files took a long while, strangely - after having opted for USB Installation and activating it promptly I was surprised to see that it went back to Window Installing and checking Microsoft Visual CC+, I then routinely checked where the Files went while installation took place, usual places (except Registry) Temp Files (Setts&Docs/Local) added few Folders and App called USB Unplug Monitor exe (also a Process while running Software), new Folder in My Music, nothing in Common Files, no new Services.
My Laptop runs on ATI Technologies and I could see straight away that this App - drags it down, is "clingy", slow in response - All that before even going into the main purpose of getting into Music!
After "blundering" through Genders and not being able to achieve anything there I had to leave it - second Attempt was exactly the same:((, oh and had to be "end-tasked"..
I'm afraid I won't have much (if at all) fun with it. It's either for faster Computers with different (to mine) Graphs, or the paid Edition works better. I'm not dashing to Upgrade, quite opposite!
If I could see it's doing basic tasks(!) swimmingly - I would perhaps be tempted. As it stands - My position on Wish-List stays at the moment: Wish it WORKED!, lol.
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For me, not a useful program since the Wish List feature is not functional in this GAOTD version. I don't really want to download hundreds of random mp3s to my hard drive unless I can specify exactly which ones I want.
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I installed this as described in the read me file but there still is an upgrade/buy button on top. Is this a full or a trial version of the software?
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This application does not shut down properly without using task manager to kill the process. This is a suspicious behavior.
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