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Angel's Vox a fost chilipirul zilei în 28 decembrie 2009
Angel's Vox este primul program de redare audio conceput special pentru a asculta cărţi audio. Permite organizarea cărţilor audio într-o bibliotecă audio şi salvarea acestora la nivele diferite ale volumelor, a vitezei de redare şi a indicatorului poziţiei de redare. Dispune de o funcţie de reglare a vitezei de redare din meniul principal de control – vă economiseşte timpul atunci când povestitorul este pera încet sau plictisitor, prin mărinea vitezei de redare.
Desigur, puteţi încetini vizeza de redare atunci când nu puteţi recunoaşte cuvintele (de ex. atunci când învăţaţi o limbă străină nouă). În plus, player-ul calculează timpul de redare pentru fiecare carte audio, dispune de funcţia de cronometru de oprime, poate furniza rapoarte detaliate şi poate importa/exporta cărţi audio dintr-un/într-un format intermediar.
Deasemenea, puteţi descărca aici versiunea portabilă a Angel's Vox (Dimeniunea fişierului 2.94 MB)
OS Windows from 2000 up to newest Windows 7, including x64; Intel Pentium 300-megahertz (MHz) processor; 128 MB RAM; 3 MB HD space
2.64 MB
ExifCleaner vă permite să înlăturaţi individual etichete Exif sau să înlăturaţi complet date Exif. Acesta vă oferă protecţie, vă ajută să ascundeţi informaţia inutilă, nedorită sau informaţiile delicate legate de imagine, de fotograf sau de locaţia unde a fost făcută poza. Ştiaţi că fiecare poză digitală conţine aceste informaţii Exif? ExifCleaner nu alterează datele imaginii, toate operaţiile sunt sigure pentru poză. Înlăturarea metainformaţiei economiseşte doar spaţiul hard discului şi lăţimea de bandă a serverului, reduce timpul de descărcare, în mod special când este vorba despre fişiere de dimensiuni reduse sau despre un număr mare de imagini. Programul funcţionează în modul pachete de fişiere şi poate fi integrat în Windows Explorer pentru un acces rapid.
Comentarii la Angel's Vox
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Best Practice is an interesting open source freeware variation on this theme.
"BestPractice is a musician's practice tool, to slow down or speed up music, either from an MP3 file or directly from a CD. Ordinarily the sound is distorted when slowed down our sped up - you get the effect like when playing a 33 rpm record on 45 rpm speed (remember the Chipmunks?). BestPractice tries to correct this, so you can slow down and speed up music, while keeping the original pitch. It is also possible to change the pitch of the music without affecting its tempo. Play along with for instance Eb tuned guitars without retuning your own, or slow down that high-speed guitar solo on a CD that you like to learn."
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Unfortunately, this program increases pitch in order to increase tempo/playback speed, so playing at double speed gives the reader a squeaky voice. Also, it cannot play AAC (m4a) files.
GOM Player is freeware that can remember position of previously played files and increase tempo independent of pitch, but it too cannot play AAC. FWIW, Windows Media Player 11 or 12 does a very good job of adjusting playback speed (sound is least distorted, IMO), but it cannot remember playback position. If Angel's Vox used WMP's engine to playback files, this GOTD could be a very nice program indeed.
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I have much language learning material, and I notice that this app has a 'slow down' option. This will be excellent for those learning a new language and wanting to slow down the speech to properly digest it. It can load MP3, WAV and OGG. Excellent straight forward operation, a fine addition for my Audio files.
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It's a simple audio player, but it works fine on XP sp3, and the registry remains clean after uninstall it
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Must have been a very useful software if it can maintain the pitch of the voice or music when one speed up or slow down the play speed. Funny, how can one feel comfortable in speeding up a speech when the speaker starts to sound funny, just like the voice of cartoon characters, while slowing it down makes it sounds like horror movies.
If one has no intention of either hastening or slowing down the tempo, then he will surely find this software useful, in picking up from where one left off listening.
But for me, to be able to speed up or slow down the speed without alterating the pitch is most important. I have been using a software, SPT-667 Phase Trainer, (not a freeware though) for quite some time now, and without much features as this one, but is able to slow down tempo without changing the pitch. It can also change the pitch without changing the tempo. So, when I hear a slow speaker, I increase the tempo, saving me a lot of time. For very fast speaker, I slow it down. I also learn music by slowing the accompaniment, and gradual increasing it as I advance. Also, when I do not like the pitch of the speaker, I adjust the pitch accordingly to please my ear. It can even change a male to female voice, and vice versa. One of the most useful software I use all year round.
I hope the developer add this feature, and it will make this software a gem.
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